The product was fairly easy to assemble. However we did not receive actual instructions or the screws to secure together the three pieces that are the safety bar. Have sent feedback to seller asking them to send. Will update review if we receive the missing screws.
Update: Seller sent the screws that were missing. We received within a week of notifying them. Have changed my review to 4 stars and would buy from them again.
My mom has been taking care of my daughter and I know it's such an exhausting time because little kids have soo much energy that they want to always keep moving. That's hard even for me. I remembered we used to always let her tire herself out on a small trampoline we had so I got this to do while she watches a show or even as an activity because my daughter loves following yogs videos and would easily follow like a zumba trampoline class. It folds up pretty small which is needed for our small home. And the bar in front is adjustable which is great for her to hold to keep balance and safety. It was pretty easy to put together. Adjusting it to be flat has about 20lb strength so not SUPER easy but easy-ish for the average person.
Purchased for my 2 year granddaughter she loves it and love to swing on the bar ;). Even the one year love jumping on this, holding the bar of course. Very sturdy and well worth the price I paid.
Not all parts received….seller later sent them to us.
The product was fairly easy to assemble. However we did not receive actual instructions or the screws to secure together the three pieces that are the safety bar. Have sent feedback to seller asking them to send. Will update review if we receive the missing screws. Update: Seller sent the screws that were missing. We received within a week of notifying them. Have changed my review to 4 stars and would buy from them again.
Home schooling jungle gym
My mom has been taking care of my daughter and I know it's such an exhausting time because little kids have soo much energy that they want to always keep moving. That's hard even for me. I remembered we used to always let her tire herself out on a small trampoline we had so I got this to do while she watches a show or even as an activity because my daughter loves following yogs videos and would easily follow like a zumba trampoline class. It folds up pretty small which is needed for our small home. And the bar in front is adjustable which is great for her to hold to keep balance and safety. It was pretty easy to put together. Adjusting it to be flat has about 20lb strength so not SUPER easy but easy-ish for the average person.
Easy set up
Easy set up! It was easier than my child's small trampoline that I bought her!
Lots of fun!
Our grand twins love their trampolines! Of course, we had to buy 2!
Safe for jumping.
My 2 years old daughter is using it every day. She loves jumping!
Safe, sturdy, not too big, not too small, my two year old loves it!!!
Sturdy, good size (not too big, not too small), my two year old loves it!!
Nice mini trampoline
My son loves it
Does the Job
Bought this for my kids and it does the job great! she loves it, its sturdy and easy to put together and works great for our little space.
New Coffee Table
Purchased for my 2 year granddaughter she loves it and love to swing on the bar ;). Even the one year love jumping on this, holding the bar of course. Very sturdy and well worth the price I paid.
Nice little trampoline
Good item but they don't tell you you have to remove the large bolted on handle everytime if you want to fold it up.
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