I purchased this for my twin toddlers. I put 99% together on my own in one day. The instructions were easy to follow and everything was clearly labeled. Theyve been sleeping on them for about three months now. Everything is exactly how it should be. absolutely no safety concerns. The top is low enough so I can give goodnight kisses. Elegant and very comfortable
My husband built this in about 3 hours by himself. These are for our 4 5 yo kids. This will be their first time sleeping in their own bed so Im glad these are so low to the ground so if they fall it wont be such hard fall. Ill update my review after their first couple of nights. Very sturdy and aesthetically pleasing. Cant wait to see the look in their little faces!
Overall we really like the bunk beds. It is nice to have them closer to the ground and more compact with the built in ladder. The twin mattresses we bought are a really tight fit though and make it super difficult to make the bed and make the upper guardrail practically non-existant since the mattress comes up so high. So make sure to get the right twin mattresses. Comfortable and practical for small spaces
Very cute! I love that its low to the ground so I can tuck both kids in at night. It took a while to assemble, but my teenage son was able to do it. Gorgeous and well-built
Very sturdy and simple to assemble. Both the kids wind up in the top bunk most nights and it holds up. 3 and 6 year old. True to color. So comfortable.
Great for the price
Got it for my toddlers the 4 year old loves it the 1 year old still working on him Gorgeous color and design
Perfect for toddlers
I purchased this for my twin toddlers. I put 99% together on my own in one day. The instructions were easy to follow and everything was clearly labeled. Theyve been sleeping on them for about three months now. Everything is exactly how it should be. absolutely no safety concerns. The top is low enough so I can give goodnight kisses. Elegant and very comfortable
My husband built this in about 3 hours by himself. These are for our 4 5 yo kids. This will be their first time sleeping in their own bed so Im glad these are so low to the ground so if they fall it wont be such hard fall. Ill update my review after their first couple of nights. Very sturdy and aesthetically pleasing. Cant wait to see the look in their little faces!
Great beds!!
My kids love this bed.. Really good quality for the price.. Cozy and sturdy.
Nice bed but get the right mattresses
Overall we really like the bunk beds. It is nice to have them closer to the ground and more compact with the built in ladder. The twin mattresses we bought are a really tight fit though and make it super difficult to make the bed and make the upper guardrail practically non-existant since the mattress comes up so high. So make sure to get the right twin mattresses. Comfortable and practical for small spaces
Great value
I like That it is not too tall for small kids. The girls love it. And it doesnt take up too much space.
Great bunk bed!
Very cute! I love that its low to the ground so I can tuck both kids in at night. It took a while to assemble, but my teenage son was able to do it. Gorgeous and well-built
good price and quality
super cute i was impress by the quality cuz of the price. highly recommended Smart-Looking and Comfortable
Kids love it
Very sturdy and simple to assemble. Both the kids wind up in the top bunk most nights and it holds up. 3 and 6 year old. True to color. So comfortable.
Great for littles!
Love the size and color. Perfect for eves and small kiddos Exactly what I was looking for
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