We bought these beds for our daughters (11 and 3) and it fits them perfectly and looks great in their room. Easy to assemble with 2 people but I tried doing it by myself which made it more difficult (must be a man thing). Very sturdy now that it is assemble. Everything was labeled great and came in great condition.
Instructions were clear and all parts were labeled well. I was able to assemble it by myself in about 3 hours. Definitely needed a second person to lift the top bunk into place. It feels relatively sturdy, although I only allow my 150lb son on the bottom bunk. I plan to add plywood sheets over the wooden slats to prevent mattress slippage. Overall, for the money, Im happy.
I found this bunk bed super easy to assemble. I had one minor hiccup but it was my own fault for not looking close enough at the instructions. Make sure you have all the boards with the correct labels in the correct spots!
The beds are very sturdy and great quality! I would definitely order this again.
This product was not very easy to assemble. It creaks all night when the kids move around and the instructions left some things out. However it looks great and color is great
Easy assembly
This was very easy to assemble, and my daughters love it.
Must have!
A true beauty daughter loved it
Great beds for the price
We bought these beds for our daughters (11 and 3) and it fits them perfectly and looks great in their room. Easy to assemble with 2 people but I tried doing it by myself which made it more difficult (must be a man thing). Very sturdy now that it is assemble. Everything was labeled great and came in great condition.
Good value
Instructions were clear and all parts were labeled well. I was able to assemble it by myself in about 3 hours. Definitely needed a second person to lift the top bunk into place. It feels relatively sturdy, although I only allow my 150lb son on the bottom bunk. I plan to add plywood sheets over the wooden slats to prevent mattress slippage. Overall, for the money, Im happy.
Best bunk beds ever
Super sturdy and very attractive. Easy to assemble and arrived almost a week earlier than expected. LOVE them!!!!
Pay attention to detail
I found this bunk bed super easy to assemble. I had one minor hiccup but it was my own fault for not looking close enough at the instructions. Make sure you have all the boards with the correct labels in the correct spots! The beds are very sturdy and great quality! I would definitely order this again.
Love it!
Super easy to understand instructions. A drill and Allen head bit definently help in quickening the build but the Allen head they provide is good too.
Just as described
Perfect for our girls room! Cute grey color.
Package is very heavy
I liked that it was very easy to set up. For my children and they love it, couldnt be more excited.
A little bummed
This product was not very easy to assemble. It creaks all night when the kids move around and the instructions left some things out. However it looks great and color is great
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