Overall I am happy with these. I thought these were solid wood, but they are particle board.
We were surprised with the quality and the look of this fake wood so we decided to put one together to see how we like it and ultimately decided to keep them. They took about 30 min each to assemble, but the instructions were pretty straight forward and used regular screws, which was a nice change from the usual hex tool assembly. One of my best buys.
Nothing damaged, no missing pieces, the wood print is nice (no overused patterns or low quality resolution). As long as you follow the instructions accurately and be precise (if you suck at putting things together thats your problem) it comes together fine. The drawer tracks are probably the only thing that could be considered difficult. I didnt have an issue with them but I could see how if you dont get it right the first time then it would be a headache. The quality is actually better than I expected being a chipboard self assembled piece. Note on quality: its fine and sturdy enough to me but the bottom of the drawer and the back of the nightstand are fairly thin veneers. Overall I 100 recommend it. Looks nice and does the job. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
These are great nightstands for the price. They look great in our room, are very functional, and were easy to assemble based on the included instructions. All we required was a standard screw driver. They arent the most study of furniture pieces but overall get the job done. FYI these furniture pieces come with a CA proposition 65 warning which I was not aware of until they arrived. This would have been helpful to include in the product description. I have contacted the manufacturer to better understand which chemicals this warning was in reference to but have not heard back (now over a month later). Worth it!!!
Refurnishing my entire house after a divorce I was on a budget. These nightstands exceeded expectations. Nice, real wood look and feel. Quality material. Look and feel like custom showroom pieces. Simple and easy to put together.
Beautiful nightstands that match my dresser from Wayfair. Very affordable, fast shipping, and okay to assemble. 2 pieces were mislabeled and it had me thinking I was missing pieces but then I figured out that they were just mislabeled. The second nightstand was easier to assemble after doing the first one. Space saver.
Night stands
Its ok but smaller than expected. Cheap product.
Not real wood but good quality.
Overall I am happy with these. I thought these were solid wood, but they are particle board. We were surprised with the quality and the look of this fake wood so we decided to put one together to see how we like it and ultimately decided to keep them. They took about 30 min each to assemble, but the instructions were pretty straight forward and used regular screws, which was a nice change from the usual hex tool assembly. One of my best buys.
Easy to assemble
This was a nightmare to assemble. Good quality for the money
Easy to assemble. Exactly as expected
This item has good assembly instructions. All parts were received. Looks exactly as pictured. Quite sturdy. Good drawer runners. Quick ship.
Nice piece proportionate to price
Nothing damaged, no missing pieces, the wood print is nice (no overused patterns or low quality resolution). As long as you follow the instructions accurately and be precise (if you suck at putting things together thats your problem) it comes together fine. The drawer tracks are probably the only thing that could be considered difficult. I didnt have an issue with them but I could see how if you dont get it right the first time then it would be a headache. The quality is actually better than I expected being a chipboard self assembled piece. Note on quality: its fine and sturdy enough to me but the bottom of the drawer and the back of the nightstand are fairly thin veneers. Overall I 100 recommend it. Looks nice and does the job. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
Exactly what I wanted
Redid my boys bedrooms these matched perfectly and have held up great. Have had them for a couple months now Sturdy.
Great product! FYI about proposition 65 warning
These are great nightstands for the price. They look great in our room, are very functional, and were easy to assemble based on the included instructions. All we required was a standard screw driver. They arent the most study of furniture pieces but overall get the job done. FYI these furniture pieces come with a CA proposition 65 warning which I was not aware of until they arrived. This would have been helpful to include in the product description. I have contacted the manufacturer to better understand which chemicals this warning was in reference to but have not heard back (now over a month later). Worth it!!!
Remarkable Quality
Refurnishing my entire house after a divorce I was on a budget. These nightstands exceeded expectations. Nice, real wood look and feel. Quality material. Look and feel like custom showroom pieces. Simple and easy to put together.
Same as picture
Super cute. Its kinda big FYI, but worth the price Ok.
Beautiful, affordable and fast shipping
Beautiful nightstands that match my dresser from Wayfair. Very affordable, fast shipping, and okay to assemble. 2 pieces were mislabeled and it had me thinking I was missing pieces but then I figured out that they were just mislabeled. The second nightstand was easier to assemble after doing the first one. Space saver.
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