Its a nice entertainment center. I love the chocolate would like finish. The sliding doors are barely cool. Instructions are a little hy during assembly. So you have to pay close attention to what youre doing, this may make the assembly time a little longer than it needs to be but not really a huge deal breaker. Very nice product very sturdy has some weight to it. I have a 65 inch TV sits on it perfectly. Easy to fix.
Beautiful, solid TV stand. This was easy to put together with clear instructions. It seems really solid, and feels like a quality piece of furniture. It was shipped carefully with plenty of packing material to protect it. Overall, I am very impressed. Very good.
I am very happy with this product. It feels very sturdy and looks just as nice as some items we viewed in furniture stores that cost north of 400. I was able to assemble by myself in 2 hours, although if you dont have a drill or power screw driver I could see another 30 minutes as some of the screws (piece A) are a little challenging. Overall, I could not be more happy with the purchase. All good.
Just Follow The Directions!! Easy Peasy! Everything (all boards, bags, bolts, etc) came labeled. There were extra screws/lock bolts in case any got misplaced assembling. Instructions were VERY thorough.
Just give yourself some room, some time, and honestly some credit for putting together furniture. When you take a breath, and just pace it out, it really does come together! Assembly took just under 2 hours (with assistance from my son). Kitten HAD to see what the fuss was about /he was quickly put upstairs into a safer room until post assembly.
Color is beautiful, matches my coffee table I refinished over the winter with an off white chalk paint base and natural oak top. The doors glide smoothy, and are easily adjustable WHILE STILL ATTACHED to the unit, making this a really outstanding piece of furniture. This was truly a fun experience putting together with my son, and a lovely piece of furniture I now have to enjoy. Love these.
It exceeded my expectations!
It wasnt easy to assemble, however I do so love my tv stand. Go for it!
fast shipping
Im loving it Enough strength.
Good 2 Go
Its a nice entertainment center. I love the chocolate would like finish. The sliding doors are barely cool. Instructions are a little hy during assembly. So you have to pay close attention to what youre doing, this may make the assembly time a little longer than it needs to be but not really a huge deal breaker. Very nice product very sturdy has some weight to it. I have a 65 inch TV sits on it perfectly. Easy to fix.
Beautiful, quality piece of furniture
Beautiful, solid TV stand. This was easy to put together with clear instructions. It seems really solid, and feels like a quality piece of furniture. It was shipped carefully with plenty of packing material to protect it. Overall, I am very impressed. Very good.
This product will not disappoint you. Updated review
Aming! And easy to put together!!!
Omg! I thought this would be complicated after swing the instructions but I was wrong. So easy to put together. Very nice
Completely Satisfied
I am very happy with this product. It feels very sturdy and looks just as nice as some items we viewed in furniture stores that cost north of 400. I was able to assemble by myself in 2 hours, although if you dont have a drill or power screw driver I could see another 30 minutes as some of the screws (piece A) are a little challenging. Overall, I could not be more happy with the purchase. All good.
TV stand
Very beautiful piece!! Great for small spaces.
Excellent value
Just Follow The Directions!! Easy Peasy! Everything (all boards, bags, bolts, etc) came labeled. There were extra screws/lock bolts in case any got misplaced assembling. Instructions were VERY thorough. Just give yourself some room, some time, and honestly some credit for putting together furniture. When you take a breath, and just pace it out, it really does come together! Assembly took just under 2 hours (with assistance from my son). Kitten HAD to see what the fuss was about /he was quickly put upstairs into a safer room until post assembly. Color is beautiful, matches my coffee table I refinished over the winter with an off white chalk paint base and natural oak top. The doors glide smoothy, and are easily adjustable WHILE STILL ATTACHED to the unit, making this a really outstanding piece of furniture. This was truly a fun experience putting together with my son, and a lovely piece of furniture I now have to enjoy. Love these.
Pretty in Living Room
The TV stand adds a glamor the my living room. It is made well. Its OK.
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