This was easy to put together, and everything lined up perfectly. The key is to go slow, pay attention, and not rush. I was able to put this together by myself in about 3 hours. It is sturdy and looks great. Perfect for my needs.
I bought this because if you look at the pictures it shows you that it will fit a 75 tv, but it doesnt! Other than that being misleading it is a very pretty piece. Three Stars.
Left sliding door cut uneven on right side. It took a little time to put together but overall, will do for now. Not a bad purchase for the price. Might scream while assembling.
We wanted a tv stand with a rustic look and one under 30. We ordered this one and were pleasantly surprised. It was very easy to put together and is much sturdier than I anticipated! One of the barn doors came unglued during assembly but the company shipped another out immediately. Great looking piece and functional. Good price.
Surprisingly easy to put together
This was easy to put together, and everything lined up perfectly. The key is to go slow, pay attention, and not rush. I was able to put this together by myself in about 3 hours. It is sturdy and looks great. Perfect for my needs.
This is so beautiful! Assembly with two people took about an hour, but it feels very sturdy! Such a great addition! HAPPY!!
Doesnt fit a 75 tv!
I bought this because if you look at the pictures it shows you that it will fit a 75 tv, but it doesnt! Other than that being misleading it is a very pretty piece. Three Stars.
Not a bad t.v. stand.
Left sliding door cut uneven on right side. It took a little time to put together but overall, will do for now. Not a bad purchase for the price. Might scream while assembling.
Nice rustic tv stand
We wanted a tv stand with a rustic look and one under 30. We ordered this one and were pleasantly surprised. It was very easy to put together and is much sturdier than I anticipated! One of the barn doors came unglued during assembly but the company shipped another out immediately. Great looking piece and functional. Good price.
Very please with product
Fairly easy to assemble, sturdy, using for tv A good buy!
For my experience it was true to size I have a 65in tcl tv.
It was pretty simple to assemble in my experience. It Came with pretty easy instructions. Definitely a two person job. And it looks great. It is ok.
It got lost in the mail I would buy again!
Very good investment!! Nice size.
good look and value
good look and value Overpriced a bit.
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