Couch was really easy to put together and assembly was quick, I was able to do it by myself. A little more blue than expected, which made it fit better with my color schemes. Have not slept on it yet but I can tell where the middle legs are it is raised slightly. But overall really enjoy it. It arrived on time
I ordered this product expecting it to be light grey. My husband took it out of the box and threw the box away. He then started assembling from the bottom. We were missing two t/nuts. We had to run to the hardware store to purchase these. My husband put everything together and its not light grey its light green. Im extremely disappointed and I would return but I no longer have the box. Sad to say next time Ill be purchasing directly from the store.
The couch is decent to sit on, but the box came in broken and the couch itself was dirty.
It is also not sturdy at all
The legs are attach to really flimsy wood and one of them broke within a week / the legs are completely vertical so if the couch slides even a little the legs bend a little and then quickly break
For a 200 futon, this cant be beat. The instructions were easy. I assembled it in 25 minutes. Its not the most comfortable to sit on, but I bought it for extra seating in our bar room, not for binge watching Netflix. Great value for the price!
For this price I didnt expect the worlds best futon, but I was still disappointed. I attached pictures of a few of the spots that were messed up. Assembly wasnt too difficult but it would have been easier if it had instructions. The instructions in my box were for a different set of futon models. I couldnt fully screw in one screw because where the leg attached to the futon was uneven if every screw was tight. No one has slept on it yet, but it is ok to sit on. It fits well in my small room. I contacted customer service and they responded quickly, offering me a partial refund or free return shipping, but I had to take the re/boxed futon to a shipping place myself. They wouldnt have it picked up. Over all, customer service was helpful, and the futon would have been nice if it wasnt so messed up.
Easy assembly
Couch was really easy to put together and assembly was quick, I was able to do it by myself. A little more blue than expected, which made it fit better with my color schemes. Have not slept on it yet but I can tell where the middle legs are it is raised slightly. But overall really enjoy it. It arrived on time
Great quality
Very easy to put together. I was so excited to use it
Not satisfied
I ordered this product expecting it to be light grey. My husband took it out of the box and threw the box away. He then started assembling from the bottom. We were missing two t/nuts. We had to run to the hardware store to purchase these. My husband put everything together and its not light grey its light green. Im extremely disappointed and I would return but I no longer have the box. Sad to say next time Ill be purchasing directly from the store.
Broke within a week
The couch is decent to sit on, but the box came in broken and the couch itself was dirty. It is also not sturdy at all The legs are attach to really flimsy wood and one of them broke within a week / the legs are completely vertical so if the couch slides even a little the legs bend a little and then quickly break
Packaged beautifully!
For a 200 futon, this cant be beat. The instructions were easy. I assembled it in 25 minutes. Its not the most comfortable to sit on, but I bought it for extra seating in our bar room, not for binge watching Netflix. Great value for the price!
Would have been better if not damaged
For this price I didnt expect the worlds best futon, but I was still disappointed. I attached pictures of a few of the spots that were messed up. Assembly wasnt too difficult but it would have been easier if it had instructions. The instructions in my box were for a different set of futon models. I couldnt fully screw in one screw because where the leg attached to the futon was uneven if every screw was tight. No one has slept on it yet, but it is ok to sit on. It fits well in my small room. I contacted customer service and they responded quickly, offering me a partial refund or free return shipping, but I had to take the re/boxed futon to a shipping place myself. They wouldnt have it picked up. Over all, customer service was helpful, and the futon would have been nice if it wasnt so messed up.
Good quality futon
Very comfortable and looks nice! Easy to assemble. Its a good product
Cute Couch
Very cute couch / cant beat the price!
Torn and Dirty. Sad.
Came torn and dirty. Very disappointing. Box didnt hold up to shipping. Seems okay as a product otherwise.
100 satisfied
Great purchase and quality.
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