Very comfy. Color is great. Was easy to assemble as I did it by myself! It is low to the ground. But I did think it was bigger than I expected. So if you were looking for small space one this is not it. But it is still a good buy! It is ok for the use.
Nice as a minimally used unit! The fabric is somewhat rough and stains easy! Its sturdy, but really kid or pet friendly. Maybe if it was cover with a quilt or blanket
This routine works well in my small living room. I love it in the space. The fabric is very nice and doesnt look cheap at all. Is it a Broyhill? No, but it is sturdy and as comfy as a futon can be. Good but for the money. Its okay
I was looking for a cheap yet stylish couch for my new office a la Mad Men. This fit the bill. It was very easy to assemble and looks great in my office. It does sit a little low to the ground (which I knew from reading previous reviews). It isnt the most comfortable couch youll ever sit on, but again for what Im using it for its perfect. I did read that the legs arent very stable? Im not seeing that. They seem fine to me. Ive had it for a few months now and no complaints at all. No noticeable issues. If youre looking for a cheap yet stylish looking couch to complement a room/office this is perfect. If you are looking for a couch youre going to sit on all day, probably best to look for something with a little more cushion. I am very happy with it
Easy to assemble! Very comfy!
Very comfy. Color is great. Was easy to assemble as I did it by myself! It is low to the ground. But I did think it was bigger than I expected. So if you were looking for small space one this is not it. But it is still a good buy! It is ok for the use.
Great price and quality
Bought this item for my daughter and she loves it. Shipped quickly and received quick Best quality product
Nice as a minimally used unit!
Nice as a minimally used unit! The fabric is somewhat rough and stains easy! Its sturdy, but really kid or pet friendly. Maybe if it was cover with a quilt or blanket
was good for a small space. My thinking is it could be a little more padded for comfort as a sofa
Its sturdy for a bed but needs more softness as a relaxing seat Would recommend and buy again
Better than expected!
This routine works well in my small living room. I love it in the space. The fabric is very nice and doesnt look cheap at all. Is it a Broyhill? No, but it is sturdy and as comfy as a futon can be. Good but for the money. Its okay
Good purchase for secondary room
Serving the purpose in TV/Workout room, or secondary sleeping space. the product is beautiful and honestly exceeded my expectations
Love the Futon and the customer service was exceptional
Futon sofa for my grandchildren when they visit. It will work perfectly Product is exactly as descriproduct
Decent couch / perfect for office
I was looking for a cheap yet stylish couch for my new office a la Mad Men. This fit the bill. It was very easy to assemble and looks great in my office. It does sit a little low to the ground (which I knew from reading previous reviews). It isnt the most comfortable couch youll ever sit on, but again for what Im using it for its perfect. I did read that the legs arent very stable? Im not seeing that. They seem fine to me. Ive had it for a few months now and no complaints at all. No noticeable issues. If youre looking for a cheap yet stylish looking couch to complement a room/office this is perfect. If you are looking for a couch youre going to sit on all day, probably best to look for something with a little more cushion. I am very happy with it
Didnt disappoint
Aming quality for low price
What a piece of junk
This was used 1/2 a dozen times and the legs broke off on it. Very cheaply made. Big waste of . I will never buy this again.
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