Perfect for a 5 year old. No kids over 50lbs for sure. Wood is soft but it was very easy to install. One of the vertical legs was splintered for 1ft of the beam and had to be broken off and sanded. Works and the kids are happy.
The final assembled product is a THUMBS UP. The instructions had some different reference numbers than what was listed on some actual pieces. There were also extra pieces not referenced on the parts list. The spacers showed later into the instructions but I was concerned I missed some step that may have called for them earlier. From start to finish it was about 3 hours for assembly. It took some coordination for a one person assembly but it was manageable. It appears to be of good quality after assembly.
This is a great swing set. My son loves it. He is 5 and he is in love. It is perfect for our yard space and the price was great. The construction feels very sturdy and the material is high quality.
I purchased this set for my grandsons age 7 and 8. I wanted something sturdy. The set arrived very quickly which was great. My son in law and myself put it together in about 1 1/2 hours taking our time. It did look small, but keep in mind the description of overall length of 104 inches is after assembly, not the main beam length. The beam was 87 1/2. But it is more than adequate. The top caps did not fit over the swing bolts through the beam for their length. No big deal as its not accessable. My main concern was the sturdiness of the set, and I feel confident in it. The response from the company to my questions was very quick, which today is impressive. If you want a good set for a fair price, its a good buy.
We have 3 kids (4, 6, 8) and it is a good size for them. We switched out middle trapeze bar for another swing. Theyll probably outgrow it around age 10 Im guessing based on their size. The included anchors definitely need to be used! Fairly sturdy. Good price for a 3 person swingset! Also it looks really nice.
kids like it and was easy to put together.
Perfect for a 5 year old. No kids over 50lbs for sure. Wood is soft but it was very easy to install. One of the vertical legs was splintered for 1ft of the beam and had to be broken off and sanded. Works and the kids are happy.
Quality product with one person assembly
The final assembled product is a THUMBS UP. The instructions had some different reference numbers than what was listed on some actual pieces. There were also extra pieces not referenced on the parts list. The spacers showed later into the instructions but I was concerned I missed some step that may have called for them earlier. From start to finish it was about 3 hours for assembly. It took some coordination for a one person assembly but it was manageable. It appears to be of good quality after assembly.
The kids love it
I bought this swing set for my grand nieces and they love it. My nephew said it only took him an hour to put together.
Great product!
Great product during pandemic. We have a 7 and 4 year old who loves it and uses it 2 times a day.
Great value
This is a great swing set. My son loves it. He is 5 and he is in love. It is perfect for our yard space and the price was great. The construction feels very sturdy and the material is high quality.
Granddaughters love this, easy to put together, , this grandma did it by herself.
Great Buy
This swing set is sturdy. It took two people about 4 hours to put it together.
I purchased this set for my grandsons age 7 and 8. I wanted something sturdy. The set arrived very quickly which was great. My son in law and myself put it together in about 1 1/2 hours taking our time. It did look small, but keep in mind the description of overall length of 104 inches is after assembly, not the main beam length. The beam was 87 1/2. But it is more than adequate. The top caps did not fit over the swing bolts through the beam for their length. No big deal as its not accessable. My main concern was the sturdiness of the set, and I feel confident in it. The response from the company to my questions was very quick, which today is impressive. If you want a good set for a fair price, its a good buy.
So far so good!
We have 3 kids (4, 6, 8) and it is a good size for them. We switched out middle trapeze bar for another swing. Theyll probably outgrow it around age 10 Im guessing based on their size. The included anchors definitely need to be used! Fairly sturdy. Good price for a 3 person swingset! Also it looks really nice.
Worth the money!
It has been a great addition to my grandkids yard. Looks like the picture
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