Looks solid, easy to assemble. I wanted to share a trick before our marriage ended with the assembly of this bed, as I read in a previous post. This bed was a bit of a hassel but once the slats and smaller pieces were already assembled it seem somewhat easy!
Great! Very pleased with the quality. I couldnt find this size anywhere, and was worried about buying it without seeing it in person first. It turned out great, and my son loves it. Very sturdy and not hard to put together if you follow instructions.
Good quality. Boy oh boywhat a bear to assemble! Be ready. Send all your loved ones away and put on some calming music. The bed is sturdy and nice looking. Dont skip screwing in the slatsthis makes the bed much more sturdy and ready for use.
Kids love it easy to put together. So big issue: one of the planks was two inches longer than the other plants and wouldnt even fit on the bed. Thankfully we have a saw and a drill and we were able to fix it. Besides that it is much easier with two people or tape but its not impossible on your own.
Good quality furniture.
thanks great product. Perfect for our spare bedroom.
Worth every penny!
easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver. Love this daybed
Sturdy, good deal
Looks solid, easy to assemble. I wanted to share a trick before our marriage ended with the assembly of this bed, as I read in a previous post. This bed was a bit of a hassel but once the slats and smaller pieces were already assembled it seem somewhat easy!
Kind of hard to put together
Good quality. Loving it
Beautiful but dont be in a hurry to assemble quickly.
Value for money. Looks great. Feels solid. Rough to assemble though.
Great Quality
Great! Very pleased with the quality. I couldnt find this size anywhere, and was worried about buying it without seeing it in person first. It turned out great, and my son loves it. Very sturdy and not hard to put together if you follow instructions.
Sturdy and pretty once you actually get it together.
Good quality. Boy oh boywhat a bear to assemble! Be ready. Send all your loved ones away and put on some calming music. The bed is sturdy and nice looking. Dont skip screwing in the slatsthis makes the bed much more sturdy and ready for use.
Assembly is rough but result is good
Good. Looks great when u finally get it together. Great for the money and as spare room bed.
Saw might be needed
Kids love it easy to put together. So big issue: one of the planks was two inches longer than the other plants and wouldnt even fit on the bed. Thankfully we have a saw and a drill and we were able to fix it. Besides that it is much easier with two people or tape but its not impossible on your own.
Roomy and it holds the weight
Perfect. Had to have help to get it as simple but we got it together and it is beautiful
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