Very sturdy. Took me about 2 hours to assemble by myself, but was easy to assemble. My 6yo and 3.5yo are obsessed with it. Very satisfied with purchase.
I rate this a 5/5! Only one hiccup is that my 2 boxes didnt come the same day, the second box came 2 days later!
This bunk bed is SO easy to put together. Once sorted and have all the right tools its simple! I would use a drill to start but once you get going, its really not needed! All screw heads are allen wrench style, but do need a philips head at the end, which you may need a drill for that part to for the support beams!
My almost 3 and almost 5 year old girla are both so very excited about their new Bunk Bed! Great product and I would buy again! And also the height fits a normal sized room perfectly as long as there isnt a ceiling fan in the way. Fortunately the room is big enough where it wont be an issue!
This bed is so adorable, my daughter is over the moon. Its a little wobbly and Im not sure why though. The set up was very difficult –?things werent matching up in the pictures like they were with the actual pieces (where the holes go for example), lots of the holes werent big enough for the bolts and were SO difficult to get in using the little hex wrench, I even had to break out the hammer a few times, there was a staple over one of the bolt holes I had to remove, I got to the VERY END and the holes werent matching up just right for the ladder so I had to get out the drill, and some of the bags of bolts didnt have any number on the bag to correspond with the instructions. If it felt a little sturdier and the instructions/set up werent so awful I would give this 5 stars. Ive seen this same exact style elsewhere for lots more money so Im wondering if its a matter of getting what you pay for. Having said all that, overall I do love it, and so does my daughter.
Easy to assemble. Please do it with two people. I was able to do it alone with my 5 year old helping. Just took longer. Sturdy and good quality for the price.
Overall very happy with my purchase! At first I dreaded to put this bed together because of all the boxes and pieces, but after getting my mindset right, music going, the party began and it wasnt that bad after all. Simple instructions and easy put together, took all day, with breaks but I got it done and great quality. I mean, its solid
great for the low price When delivered it came in 6 boxes. Read the labels on outside of box to tell you whats inside of them and for finding the instructions. We literally put all the pieces down the hall wall/room in numerical order. Unboxing and organizing took awhile (around 3 hours) but we did this to make sure we had all the parts. Then the assembly began. We slowly put it together and still have to assemble the trundle. For the stairs, you have the options of installing them on either side of bunk beds! Nice feature! Also, the side of stairs is open due little cubbies/ storage. The stairs have drawers inside for even more storage. Structure is sturdy and quality is great! Overall, we love it, the only downside is the amount of time it takes to install so give yourself plenty of time!
Easy to assemble, light smell It took my daughters and I five hours to assemble, but it was worth it! Quality and sturdy. I am very pleased with this purchase. My grandsons love it! An adult can sleep on the full bed easily.
Sturdy, pretty, kids love.
Very sturdy. Took me about 2 hours to assemble by myself, but was easy to assemble. My 6yo and 3.5yo are obsessed with it. Very satisfied with purchase.
My 11 year old love it
It was hard to put it together but in the end we love it.
5/5, Easy to Put Together, Bunk Bed!
I rate this a 5/5! Only one hiccup is that my 2 boxes didnt come the same day, the second box came 2 days later! This bunk bed is SO easy to put together. Once sorted and have all the right tools its simple! I would use a drill to start but once you get going, its really not needed! All screw heads are allen wrench style, but do need a philips head at the end, which you may need a drill for that part to for the support beams! My almost 3 and almost 5 year old girla are both so very excited about their new Bunk Bed! Great product and I would buy again! And also the height fits a normal sized room perfectly as long as there isnt a ceiling fan in the way. Fortunately the room is big enough where it wont be an issue!
This bed is exactly as I pictured very very cute and stable. Very happy with the purchase itself.
Love the bed, not so great instructions/set up
This bed is so adorable, my daughter is over the moon. Its a little wobbly and Im not sure why though. The set up was very difficult –?things werent matching up in the pictures like they were with the actual pieces (where the holes go for example), lots of the holes werent big enough for the bolts and were SO difficult to get in using the little hex wrench, I even had to break out the hammer a few times, there was a staple over one of the bolt holes I had to remove, I got to the VERY END and the holes werent matching up just right for the ladder so I had to get out the drill, and some of the bags of bolts didnt have any number on the bag to correspond with the instructions. If it felt a little sturdier and the instructions/set up werent so awful I would give this 5 stars. Ive seen this same exact style elsewhere for lots more money so Im wondering if its a matter of getting what you pay for. Having said all that, overall I do love it, and so does my daughter.
Perfect for small places
Lovely bunks so adorable and cheek rustic.. great for kids my girls are obsessed
Easy to assemble.
Easy to assemble. Please do it with two people. I was able to do it alone with my 5 year old helping. Just took longer. Sturdy and good quality for the price.
Great investment
Overall very happy with my purchase! At first I dreaded to put this bed together because of all the boxes and pieces, but after getting my mindset right, music going, the party began and it wasnt that bad after all. Simple instructions and easy put together, took all day, with breaks but I got it done and great quality. I mean, its solid
We love it!
great for the low price When delivered it came in 6 boxes. Read the labels on outside of box to tell you whats inside of them and for finding the instructions. We literally put all the pieces down the hall wall/room in numerical order. Unboxing and organizing took awhile (around 3 hours) but we did this to make sure we had all the parts. Then the assembly began. We slowly put it together and still have to assemble the trundle. For the stairs, you have the options of installing them on either side of bunk beds! Nice feature! Also, the side of stairs is open due little cubbies/ storage. The stairs have drawers inside for even more storage. Structure is sturdy and quality is great! Overall, we love it, the only downside is the amount of time it takes to install so give yourself plenty of time!
Surpasses my expectations!
Easy to assemble, light smell It took my daughters and I five hours to assemble, but it was worth it! Quality and sturdy. I am very pleased with this purchase. My grandsons love it! An adult can sleep on the full bed easily.
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