The wooden dowels are not the same size when they should be and I have to get additional from the hardware store. Also, the wood is very soft Good quality.
My daughter is so happy with this bed. Its sturdy and she loves making a fort below the bed. She actually sleeps in her fort more than the bed. Fits twin mattress. Value for money.
When we showed our son his new bed he was so excited all he could say was Oh. My. Goodness. Good instructions, sturdy, nice finish, just wish the Allen wrench was a little longer. Great!
When we assembled the bed, we noticed one of the posts were dented/scratched. It wasnt enough for us to want to send back after assembling. We contacted the company and they said they would send us a new piece, but that was too much work. A discount would have been nice. Other than that, the bed overall is perfect for my 3.5 year old. Part missing otherwise I like it.
Easy to assemble. Just be sure when you are putting it together you make sure the legs are in the proper location so you can ensure the latter and side safety rails are all in the proper location. Basically, dont be a typical man and wing it or you will need to take it apart a few times to get it right. A impact driver helped make the build a lot faster. Kids love it easy to put together.
It seemed pretty easy for my husband to put together, but he is also very a jack of all trades type of guy. It seems sturdy enough. I guess the only bad thing is not having a board underneath to stabilize the mattress. My daughters prior bed had the board so we were able to just reuse it. Otherwise that would be very disappointing to not have. Especially since we needed to cut notches out of it for it to fit in the bed frame. Seems it should come with that. Otherwise happy! Perfect.
Buy this now!
This is a great bed for you kids especially if they dont have much room in their room. Give more floor/playing space! Looks solid, easy to assemble.
Some first bed
The wooden dowels are not the same size when they should be and I have to get additional from the hardware store. Also, the wood is very soft Good quality.
Cute bed
My daughter is so happy with this bed. Its sturdy and she loves making a fort below the bed. She actually sleeps in her fort more than the bed. Fits twin mattress. Value for money.
Great for the price
When we showed our son his new bed he was so excited all he could say was Oh. My. Goodness. Good instructions, sturdy, nice finish, just wish the Allen wrench was a little longer. Great!
Nice bed for a toddler
Pretty nice for 100 Good quality.
Great but comes in a million pieces
Great product and a value for the money but plan for plenty of time to get it put together, it comes in a million pieces Good.
When we assembled the bed, we noticed one of the posts were dented/scratched. It wasnt enough for us to want to send back after assembling. We contacted the company and they said they would send us a new piece, but that was too much work. A discount would have been nice. Other than that, the bed overall is perfect for my 3.5 year old. Part missing otherwise I like it.
Great bed for rooms that need more storage
Easy to assemble. Just be sure when you are putting it together you make sure the legs are in the proper location so you can ensure the latter and side safety rails are all in the proper location. Basically, dont be a typical man and wing it or you will need to take it apart a few times to get it right. A impact driver helped make the build a lot faster. Kids love it easy to put together.
Happy with this bed
It seemed pretty easy for my husband to put together, but he is also very a jack of all trades type of guy. It seems sturdy enough. I guess the only bad thing is not having a board underneath to stabilize the mattress. My daughters prior bed had the board so we were able to just reuse it. Otherwise that would be very disappointing to not have. Especially since we needed to cut notches out of it for it to fit in the bed frame. Seems it should come with that. Otherwise happy! Perfect.
My daughter loves it so much.
And its height from the floor is perfect for a 3 yr old Easy assembly.
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