I thought this was going to be a nightmare to put together based on comments from others with rebounders (not this one specifically) The handlebar was the only thing that took a minute to figure out, but once I did it was really easy to do, everything you need to assemble it comes in the box which is great. I was also very impressed by how sturdy it is, which I was very nervous about since Im not a small person. I definitely recommend this rebounder!
Initially putting together is a little scary when you have to push it open like a bear trap, make sure you have two people to push open. Super easy assembly after step 1. The springs are high quality and make the trampoline feel nice and sturdy. The balance bar is awesome and gives confidence to jump a little higher if jumping makes you as nervous as it does me. The arm bands are kind of weak, but I never intended to use them. Im trying to bounce to move the lymph along the lymphatic system , which jumping on a trampoline is supposed to be really good for. No reports yet if its helping that, but its definitely fun.
the handlebar button is broken. does not pop, i need to physically push it back out but its impossible to do after i attach the handlebar came pretty scratched up. besides the handlebar not being able to put together, it does its job well
Five year old grandson loves this trampoline.
Good quality trampoline and easy to put together. Would definitely recommend
Easy assembly and sturdy
I thought this was going to be a nightmare to put together based on comments from others with rebounders (not this one specifically) The handlebar was the only thing that took a minute to figure out, but once I did it was really easy to do, everything you need to assemble it comes in the box which is great. I was also very impressed by how sturdy it is, which I was very nervous about since Im not a small person. I definitely recommend this rebounder!
Very helpful
What a wonderful Trampoline!!
The trampoline was easy to assemble and my son is jumping on it everday for some good exercise!!
Great trampoline and worth every penny!!
Very easy to assemble and much bigger and sturdier than expected!!
I just love it .it is my new gym at home
Easy to assemble very sturdy and solid
All around good deal
Great Product
Well Made- great springs
Initially putting together is a little scary when you have to push it open like a bear trap, make sure you have two people to push open. Super easy assembly after step 1. The springs are high quality and make the trampoline feel nice and sturdy. The balance bar is awesome and gives confidence to jump a little higher if jumping makes you as nervous as it does me. The arm bands are kind of weak, but I never intended to use them. Im trying to bounce to move the lymph along the lymphatic system , which jumping on a trampoline is supposed to be really good for. No reports yet if its helping that, but its definitely fun.
the handlebar button is broken. does not pop, i need to physically push it back out but its impossible to do after i attach the handlebar came pretty scratched up. besides the handlebar not being able to put together, it does its job well
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