It took about 30 minutes to build this bed with my husband and we had no issues. Not sure why the bed broke on another reviewer, but mine is nice and sturdy and hasnt had a problem with the whole family being on it. It is simple, but looks really nice. Works well.
It was pretty easy to put together. I got the King. I felt it was reasonably sturdy, but since my cat hand out under it, I did add some reinforcements. Good product. this is good!
High quality frame with easy to read instructions, I couldnt be happier. Every worry I had about buying the frame was gone after I put it together by myself in about 30 minutes, super easy assembly and its beautiful. Thanks!
This was a great buy. The reviews sold me. Super easy to put together. Completely solid. It does not move at all. Im 64 300lbs and not a squeak. My only complaint is it is much shorter than it looks in the picture. Other than that I cant complain at all. Very easy to assemble!
We got the King size / it was really easy to assemble. Its beautiful and sturdy. There is one spot that will make a creaking sound once in awhile (after its been moved a bit ) but if its lifted and adjusted it goes away. Takes up less space.
So far so good. It was really heavy so I opened the box outside the door and carried the parts in separately.
The assembly was SHOCKINGLY EASY and the directions were stellar! Really. Amingly clear with stickers and numbers on parts to be assembled. The bed looks terrific. Seems sturdy. Had one sleep on it and its great so far. very stable.
No regrets
It took about 30 minutes to build this bed with my husband and we had no issues. Not sure why the bed broke on another reviewer, but mine is nice and sturdy and hasnt had a problem with the whole family being on it. It is simple, but looks really nice. Works well.
The bed design is just perfect
This bed is priced very reasonably and is well made and just perfect in its simplicity. One of my best buys.
Great buy for the money
Solid construction, easy to put together Quick ship.
Great bed!
Bought for my teenage daughter. Easy to assemble! Very sturdy.
Easy to assemble
It was pretty easy to put together. I got the King. I felt it was reasonably sturdy, but since my cat hand out under it, I did add some reinforcements. Good product. this is good!
Love it!! Perfect and Sturdy.
Well worth the money
High quality frame with easy to read instructions, I couldnt be happier. Every worry I had about buying the frame was gone after I put it together by myself in about 30 minutes, super easy assembly and its beautiful. Thanks!
Awesome for the money
This was a great buy. The reviews sold me. Super easy to put together. Completely solid. It does not move at all. Im 64 300lbs and not a squeak. My only complaint is it is much shorter than it looks in the picture. Other than that I cant complain at all. Very easy to assemble!
Great bed
We got the King size / it was really easy to assemble. Its beautiful and sturdy. There is one spot that will make a creaking sound once in awhile (after its been moved a bit ) but if its lifted and adjusted it goes away. Takes up less space.
Easy assembly, seems sturdy and looks really nice
So far so good. It was really heavy so I opened the box outside the door and carried the parts in separately. The assembly was SHOCKINGLY EASY and the directions were stellar! Really. Amingly clear with stickers and numbers on parts to be assembled. The bed looks terrific. Seems sturdy. Had one sleep on it and its great so far. very stable.
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