Just put it together, havent actually made the bed yet. Seems to be very sturdy. Pretty easy to put together, the pieces could have been labeled a bit better but they are all labeled. The labels were just very small. The whole bed is painted and there are visible screws that should have a cap or something but for the price I can get over it. Satisfied
It was missing a piece on the bottom trundle. I had to to end up zip tying the pieces together. The instructions for which screw goes where was a little confusing.
Took a few extra days to get. Large package and extra heavy. Easy enough to assemble if your up to it. Good quality. Once together its sturdy enough. One of my best buys.
Really easy to assemble. Great for my daughters 3 and 8. My stepdaughter comes for holidays and with not having much room to work with this is a great bed. Never had an issue with me (130lbs) or my husband (210lbs) sleeping in the bed trying to get our toddler to sleep. Sturdy.
Its a great little bed and went together well. Packed great and instructions easy to follow. If you plan to use everyday it may not be sturdy enough for heavier person. Mine is for guest room and will fit my needs perfectly. Worth it!!!
love how this bed looks. I assembled by myself took 4 hours as i had to take frequent breaks due to lower back pain. It look scary to assemble but if you organize all the parts and read the instructions it is easy. Simple and easy to put together.
Nice looking and sturdy for the price.
Just put it together, havent actually made the bed yet. Seems to be very sturdy. Pretty easy to put together, the pieces could have been labeled a bit better but they are all labeled. The labels were just very small. The whole bed is painted and there are visible screws that should have a cap or something but for the price I can get over it. Satisfied
Its a great bed
It was pretty easy to assemble. I love it and so do my kids! Except I put the wheels with the brakes on opposite sides Buying another !
Its okay
It was missing a piece on the bottom trundle. I had to to end up zip tying the pieces together. The instructions for which screw goes where was a little confusing.
Good quality
Took a few extra days to get. Large package and extra heavy. Easy enough to assemble if your up to it. Good quality. Once together its sturdy enough. One of my best buys.
Frame was a little out of whack. Used a rubber mallet to nudge the pieces together. Couldnt believe how great it was for the price Quick ship.
Pretty simple and sturdy
I assembled both beds alone (required no 2nd person). This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
Great bed for kids.
Really easy to assemble. Great for my daughters 3 and 8. My stepdaughter comes for holidays and with not having much room to work with this is a great bed. Never had an issue with me (130lbs) or my husband (210lbs) sleeping in the bed trying to get our toddler to sleep. Sturdy.
Great for the money!!
Its a great little bed and went together well. Packed great and instructions easy to follow. If you plan to use everyday it may not be sturdy enough for heavier person. Mine is for guest room and will fit my needs perfectly. Worth it!!!
love how this bed looks. I assembled by myself took 4 hours as i had to take frequent breaks due to lower back pain. It look scary to assemble but if you organize all the parts and read the instructions it is easy. Simple and easy to put together.
Its just as described
Really beautiful and easy to assemble. I have no complaints. Ok.
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