This chair is adorable and was so easy to assemble. I use her as work chair when Im working from home and my vanity chair—but her best use is as my cats nap spot, my cat literally leaps into her whenever I get up. One thing I was worried about before buying was whether my plus/sized behind would fit, but she handles me just fine. Get so many compliments on her.
We got this for our daughter she loved it but the wheel base was not packed well at all and was damaged during delivery. I contacted and they sent out a new wheel base immediately. I obviously wish it had been packed better in the first place BUT great customer service is invaluable so were happy. Word of advice, check there are no problems with the chair pieces before assembling it / we assembled it immediately thinking it would be easy to dismantle it is not so when the new base arrived it was a bit of a battle to remove the old one. The chair is a little lighter on the fur than we were hoping not patchy but thinner than the cushions we have and the color is a little more orangey than we thought but our daughter loves it.
This chair looks exactly like the pictures and is so comfy. My bf hates fuzzy things but will gladly sit in this chair to study (even though he has his own desk chair).
Shes a Multifaceted Queen
This chair is adorable and was so easy to assemble. I use her as work chair when Im working from home and my vanity chair—but her best use is as my cats nap spot, my cat literally leaps into her whenever I get up. One thing I was worried about before buying was whether my plus/sized behind would fit, but she handles me just fine. Get so many compliments on her.
Great Customer Service
We got this for our daughter she loved it but the wheel base was not packed well at all and was damaged during delivery. I contacted and they sent out a new wheel base immediately. I obviously wish it had been packed better in the first place BUT great customer service is invaluable so were happy. Word of advice, check there are no problems with the chair pieces before assembling it / we assembled it immediately thinking it would be easy to dismantle it is not so when the new base arrived it was a bit of a battle to remove the old one. The chair is a little lighter on the fur than we were hoping not patchy but thinner than the cushions we have and the color is a little more orangey than we thought but our daughter loves it.
Exactly What Youre Expecting!
This chair looks exactly like the pictures and is so comfy. My bf hates fuzzy things but will gladly sit in this chair to study (even though he has his own desk chair).
Great product for a child
This stool was easy to assemble and matched my daughters new furniture. This is a great item for a child.
Lovely vanity stool
It was easy essentially of the still. Its very cute and its also comfortable to sit on
Easy and compact
East to put together and compact perfect for smsll places
Cute and easy assembly!
Love it perfect for my daughters desk!
My daughter loves it. Super cute! Very sturdy not cheap looking.
So cute!!!
I love this seat!! So cute and sturdy. Easy to assemble too
Very Cute!
This product is very sturdy and comfortable.. very pretty in pink. I would highly recommend this product
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