very pleased with this purchase, we have purchased many products before and they are very cheap compared to their quality. This one not super sturdy although, but perfect for occasional as we use this as a guest bed. recommended max weight is 250 lb but easily can hold 300 + weight. The legs look pretty cool but made of plastic. That shouldnt be a problem regarding weight as there are two additional legs in the center. dont expect to store anything big under, as the clearance is only 6 inch. Overall perfect for a tight budget ! Like!
I was excited to receive my bed but once I open the box I realize that one of the side bars was bent and couldnt install it until I had to get someone to fix it I was very disappointed with that Does the job.
This frame was super easy to put together!
Getting the wooden panels on was a little harder so I suggest not pushing the frame against the wall until those are on so you dont have to play acrobat getting them on. Was able to fit 2 suitcases, TV box and a cat crate under the bed before putting the matress on. After I got the matress on I was still able to slide bags of clothes under. Very simple but a great bed frame! It works.
Quiet, sturdy, and clean. No sign of bed bugs at all. Has non/slip strips so the mattress stays in place. After having this for a few months, one of the legs that support the center of the bed frame bent to the side and is now useless in supporting the bed. Im worried the other one might do the same. Just something to keep in mind when purchasing, as I am worried about the level of support for my mattress now. Good for its value.
Came damaged, had horrible, deep scratches in the box and upholstry. We didnt really care and we really needed it for our new bed at the time, but we werent particularly happy with that development Not easy to put together.
The stand you need
This bedstand was very easy to put together and looks high end. I would purchase this again. cute.
Damaged parts
Good product but the frame came damaged. Lots of scratches. Seemed to not be handled well. Yes, Its great. loves it.
Nice Price but Comfort isnt as Nice.
Nice price but will purchase another brand and put it in guest room and let them deal with this matters. Money good to have.
afordable yet sturdy
very pleased with this purchase, we have purchased many products before and they are very cheap compared to their quality. This one not super sturdy although, but perfect for occasional as we use this as a guest bed. recommended max weight is 250 lb but easily can hold 300 + weight. The legs look pretty cool but made of plastic. That shouldnt be a problem regarding weight as there are two additional legs in the center. dont expect to store anything big under, as the clearance is only 6 inch. Overall perfect for a tight budget ! Like!
Frame was damaged
I was excited to receive my bed but once I open the box I realize that one of the side bars was bent and couldnt install it until I had to get someone to fix it I was very disappointed with that Does the job.
No bed bugs on mine
I read about the bed bugs and was scared to buy the product, but everything was clean and nice. Easy to assemble and fit my bed. Beautiful and Sturdy.
Simple great
This frame was super easy to put together! Getting the wooden panels on was a little harder so I suggest not pushing the frame against the wall until those are on so you dont have to play acrobat getting them on. Was able to fit 2 suitcases, TV box and a cat crate under the bed before putting the matress on. After I got the matress on I was still able to slide bags of clothes under. Very simple but a great bed frame! It works.
Ok for the price
Good for the price . Had a weird smell in the beginning for 2 days. But it faded away completely in two days. Works well.
Good for the most part
Quiet, sturdy, and clean. No sign of bed bugs at all. Has non/slip strips so the mattress stays in place. After having this for a few months, one of the legs that support the center of the bed frame bent to the side and is now useless in supporting the bed. Im worried the other one might do the same. Just something to keep in mind when purchasing, as I am worried about the level of support for my mattress now. Good for its value.
Works and assembles fine, but came with severe cosmetic damage.
Came damaged, had horrible, deep scratches in the box and upholstry. We didnt really care and we really needed it for our new bed at the time, but we werent particularly happy with that development Not easy to put together.
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