This took a million years to assemble, and is honestly a bit rickety (had to shove a cardboard slat under the legs to get it to stop wobbling), but it looks very chic and will definitely hold my bedside things.
I feel like if the seller does not have to pay someone to assemble the product, they should provide better instructions and perhaps a little better quality product. Partical board is prone to falling apart relatively easy and the boards used in the bottom of the drawers is flimbsy.
I really like this dresser. It looks great and seems sturdy. I only knocked off a star because the hardware for sliding the drawers in and out is all wood so it doesnt feel super smooth but its still a great dresser. It also took like 5 hours and some patience to put together so be prepared for that.
I was so pleasantly surprised by how well these end tables came together. When you open a box and see a zillion pieces and image-only instructions, it's impossible not to feel intimidated. But, the instructions were actually really clear and very easy to follow. The best part of this product was the quality, and that's a lot of why it was so easy to assemble. Unlike cheaper products where you have to fight with screws and getting things to fit together the way they're supposed to, this nightstand fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Every hole was the perfect size and in the perfect place. No power drill required! So happy with my cute, new end tables!!
Does the job.
This took a million years to assemble, and is honestly a bit rickety (had to shove a cardboard slat under the legs to get it to stop wobbling), but it looks very chic and will definitely hold my bedside things.
Great nightstand
Love this night stand looks great and is a great price
A little on the small side and made of partical board.
I feel like if the seller does not have to pay someone to assemble the product, they should provide better instructions and perhaps a little better quality product. Partical board is prone to falling apart relatively easy and the boards used in the bottom of the drawers is flimbsy.
Was missing piece
I love the piece. After I got the right piece
Quick and easy
Product was easy to assemble and be delivered compared to most major stores you have to wait 4-6 month delivery
Love it!
Love it!Easy to assemble, sturdy and stylish!
Great value
I really like this dresser. It looks great and seems sturdy. I only knocked off a star because the hardware for sliding the drawers in and out is all wood so it doesnt feel super smooth but its still a great dresser. It also took like 5 hours and some patience to put together so be prepared for that.
good size, good storage
good quality for the price
Parfait !!
Quality item
I was so pleasantly surprised by how well these end tables came together. When you open a box and see a zillion pieces and image-only instructions, it's impossible not to feel intimidated. But, the instructions were actually really clear and very easy to follow. The best part of this product was the quality, and that's a lot of why it was so easy to assemble. Unlike cheaper products where you have to fight with screws and getting things to fit together the way they're supposed to, this nightstand fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Every hole was the perfect size and in the perfect place. No power drill required! So happy with my cute, new end tables!!
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