For the money it's fne. I thought it would be a little higher and wider. Very easy to put together and is pretty sturdy. I ordered another one for the other side of my bed. I might have returned this for one that is higher and wider but I did not want to take this apart and try to get it back in the box. For $60 I can't complain too much
The item was shorter than I expected, but that's my fault for not measuring height ahead of time. The instructions were easy to understand.
I would have liked a piece of wood for the back, instead they give you a 'panel' to nail into the main piece. It would do a lot for how sturdy it is, because you can make it wobble if you put enough weight on it (more than you should really.)
The nightstand itself looks nice from a distance, but you can see the little imperfections when up close. I had to take a black sharpie and color in some spaces where the wood was showing through the paint. Mostly around the edge of the drawer.
These are all minor complaints from me, but hopefully this helps someone else!
This serves its purpose. It wasnt very hard to put together (unless you are me and like to put pieces on backwards! I am not handy!) seems to be pretty sturdy, but its just an end table, so I dont put it under much stress. I would buy it again if the need came up.
Low quality product for this price. First of all I received without all screws that I need to set it up. Then during the set up I saw a little scratch on one of the parts.
Ordered 2 of these a matching dresser. Only assembled one nightstand so far but were very happy with the finished product. The bottom drawer is slightly wonky..theres more space above it between it the other drawer than there should be but for the price point and being made of solid wood (other than the backing/drawer bottoms) its fine. Assembly was time consuming and must be done carefully but it wasnt necessarily difficult. Would recommend
Decent Night table
For the money it's fne. I thought it would be a little higher and wider. Very easy to put together and is pretty sturdy. I ordered another one for the other side of my bed. I might have returned this for one that is higher and wider but I did not want to take this apart and try to get it back in the box. For $60 I can't complain too much
Good buy
The item was shorter than I expected, but that's my fault for not measuring height ahead of time. The instructions were easy to understand. I would have liked a piece of wood for the back, instead they give you a 'panel' to nail into the main piece. It would do a lot for how sturdy it is, because you can make it wobble if you put enough weight on it (more than you should really.) The nightstand itself looks nice from a distance, but you can see the little imperfections when up close. I had to take a black sharpie and color in some spaces where the wood was showing through the paint. Mostly around the edge of the drawer. These are all minor complaints from me, but hopefully this helps someone else!
This dresser is made of real wood and nice looking we use for guest room clothes storage nice heavy wood unit
I like it
It takes 2 to assemble it, and its going to take like 2 hours but its worth it
Great but broken
When I took the upper part, it was broken.
Its very nice quality.
Very beautiful for the price.Same with this. Its very nice quality.
The day you plan on assembling don't plan anything else. Took 3of us a long time. But worth it
Assembly took forever... But worth the effort
Does its job
This serves its purpose. It wasnt very hard to put together (unless you are me and like to put pieces on backwards! I am not handy!) seems to be pretty sturdy, but its just an end table, so I dont put it under much stress. I would buy it again if the need came up.
Could be better
Low quality product for this price. First of all I received without all screws that I need to set it up. Then during the set up I saw a little scratch on one of the parts.
Time consuming to assemble but looks great
Ordered 2 of these a matching dresser. Only assembled one nightstand so far but were very happy with the finished product. The bottom drawer is slightly wonky..theres more space above it between it the other drawer than there should be but for the price point and being made of solid wood (other than the backing/drawer bottoms) its fine. Assembly was time consuming and must be done carefully but it wasnt necessarily difficult. Would recommend
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