Decent product for the price. Easy to assemble, but beware of the parts being squished during shipping and one of my casters had to be reordered due to bearings falling out. Love it!
When the box arrived in thought I was missing another box, since it came in a way smaller box than I thought. All together in think it took me about 30 minutes to take the bed out of the package and completely assemble both parts. Super easy to put together, and strong enough that it didnt make any noise as much 2 year old was jumping on it. Better than expected.
Pretty good for the price. We did end up covering the slats with plywood because they didnt seem sturdy enough for an adult to use. The finish looks nice but is easy to scratch off if you move the bed around at all. Works great.
Bed was not too difficult to assemble, but a second (or third) person definitely is necessary in my opinion! You can choose between 2 heights; I opted for the higher option and therefore no longer need a bedspring. Ive only used it one night so far, but it feels completely sturdy and I love the look. Very pleased with this purchase! Good,
Easy to assemble
Decent product for the price. Easy to assemble, but beware of the parts being squished during shipping and one of my casters had to be reordered due to bearings falling out. Love it!
Not bad for a cheap price!
When the box arrived in thought I was missing another box, since it came in a way smaller box than I thought. All together in think it took me about 30 minutes to take the bed out of the package and completely assemble both parts. Super easy to put together, and strong enough that it didnt make any noise as much 2 year old was jumping on it. Better than expected.
Decent for the price
Pretty good for the price. We did end up covering the slats with plywood because they didnt seem sturdy enough for an adult to use. The finish looks nice but is easy to scratch off if you move the bed around at all. Works great.
Five Stars
Looks great! Lots of pieces, but still easy to assemble! loves it!
Great affordable bed
Bed was not too difficult to assemble, but a second (or third) person definitely is necessary in my opinion! You can choose between 2 heights; I opted for the higher option and therefore no longer need a bedspring. Ive only used it one night so far, but it feels completely sturdy and I love the look. Very pleased with this purchase! Good,
Five Stars
looks great, feels sturdy and my daughter couldnt be happier! great buy (2 Thumbs up) Just as seen in the picture!!!
Five Stars
Awesome bed! Awesome price!! Very durable.
love it so far
My boys love their new bed! Quick easy assemble Very good value.
Four Stars
Great bed! This works.
Five Stars
So happy I chose this bed! Well made, easy assembly, and it looks great! Do the work.
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