Pretty good product for the price.
Very sturdy. I could alone complete the assembly, but having two people could speed up the assembly. Too many screws to fit using the Allen key provided. The best thing I liked is if you have a box spring, you could lower the base of the frame. I preferred it a little higher. Like!
It was exactly what we needed. Directions for assembly was pretty clear. only one screw hole didnt line up and couldnt be inserted.
It is an extra bed for the grandkids when they visit. Beautiful and Sturdy.
The bed was as described and sturdier than in the picture. I did not give it 5 stars because the colored screws in the front legs really take some of the elegance off the set and some of the round decorative balls on the railings were squashed. I had relatives coming for visit and did not have time to do returns or ask for replacements so I had to hide the damaged side by placing the bed against a corner. Vendor should use a sturdier packaging as many other costumers complained about parts bent or squashed as mine. Still the quality is there and is a good bed for the money. Other than that, it is a cute bed for a small room or the back wall of an home office which is where I have mine. It works.
Five Stars
Very easy to put together, and not bad for the price! cute.
Five Stars
Love it!!!!! Yes, Its great. loves it.
Sturdy bed frame
Pretty good product for the price. Very sturdy. I could alone complete the assembly, but having two people could speed up the assembly. Too many screws to fit using the Allen key provided. The best thing I liked is if you have a box spring, you could lower the base of the frame. I preferred it a little higher. Like!
Directions for assembly was pretty clear. only one screw hole didnt line up
It was exactly what we needed. Directions for assembly was pretty clear. only one screw hole didnt line up and couldnt be inserted. It is an extra bed for the grandkids when they visit. Beautiful and Sturdy.
Still the quality is there and is a good bed for the money.
The bed was as described and sturdier than in the picture. I did not give it 5 stars because the colored screws in the front legs really take some of the elegance off the set and some of the round decorative balls on the railings were squashed. I had relatives coming for visit and did not have time to do returns or ask for replacements so I had to hide the damaged side by placing the bed against a corner. Vendor should use a sturdier packaging as many other costumers complained about parts bent or squashed as mine. Still the quality is there and is a good bed for the money. Other than that, it is a cute bed for a small room or the back wall of an home office which is where I have mine. It works.
Five Stars
This was just wonderful to have, I had mattresses already,. assembly is clear and easy Works well.
Five Stars
Nice looking and very easy to assemble. Plenty of room for guest to sleep on. Very happy! Good Product.
Five Stars
Looks nice. Easy to put together and the weight it holds was the main sellingbpoint Perfect.
Five Stars
This went together easily and looks fabulous in my guest room! Easy set up.
Easy to put together, and very sturdy. My daughter and step daughter love it ! Lots of pieces but they were all labeled. Cute.
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