Overall we are happy! The beds are sturdy, and it took my husband a little over an hour to assemble them. The color is functional, but the paint chips easily. The ladder is perfect for room where toddlers may have access, as it makes it harder for small toddlers to climb.
The beds are sturdy, but small, wooden pieces are all that holds them together as bunk beds.
Excellent, Stylish and safe The company sent us an extra nut since ours was bent, to secure the ladder. Looks great, sturdy, and does not creak when the kids climb up.
Nice product. Takes time to put together. These beds look beautiful and very sturdy after assembled. But there was a big smell. We have to let the room vent for several days before use it. There are so many pieces to put together, taking a significant amount of time.
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! It is well made. Color is off-white. You should consider using power tools like an impact drive but you need to be careful with torque setting in order to avoid damaging joints. Screws heads are made of soft steel and could round off easily so have good Alan key or bit is a must! A draw back is the location of the ladder that it is not interchangeable to either sides of the bed and you got to be careful to not placing it close to a window for safety considerations.
You wont regret this purchase This is the first time I have taken time to write a review but Im glad we made this purchase after months of scrolling though reviews - our grandkids love the bunk beds. My husband put them together with no problem (you will need a power drill ) no missing parts, beds are sturdy and look great. Very happy with the purchase.
Great product by all standards Came in a timely manner, was fairly easy to assemble if youve ever done anything like bookcases before, just time consuming. It took about 3.5 hours and two people for various parts. There are a few things that REQUIRE two people, but most of of it could be done by one person.
DO NOT USE A DRILL! It is tempting, but unless you are good at going sllloowww you will probably strip a bolt. It is very sturdy, nice to look at, and very functional. Plenty of space for under-bed drawers or a trundle if thats your desire.
Son loves it!
Just what I was looking for Excellent quality and good value
Nice product, weird smell
So in love with this piece Everything was as expected except that it gives off a very unpleasant odor
Overall we are happy! The beds are sturdy, and it took my husband a little over an hour to assemble them. The color is functional, but the paint chips easily. The ladder is perfect for room where toddlers may have access, as it makes it harder for small toddlers to climb. The beds are sturdy, but small, wooden pieces are all that holds them together as bunk beds.
No creaking
Excellent, Stylish and safe The company sent us an extra nut since ours was bent, to secure the ladder. Looks great, sturdy, and does not creak when the kids climb up.
Looks beautiful but smells
Nice product. Takes time to put together. These beds look beautiful and very sturdy after assembled. But there was a big smell. We have to let the room vent for several days before use it. There are so many pieces to put together, taking a significant amount of time.
Sturdy off-white bunk bed
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! It is well made. Color is off-white. You should consider using power tools like an impact drive but you need to be careful with torque setting in order to avoid damaging joints. Screws heads are made of soft steel and could round off easily so have good Alan key or bit is a must! A draw back is the location of the ladder that it is not interchangeable to either sides of the bed and you got to be careful to not placing it close to a window for safety considerations.
Nice and sturdy bunkbeds
nice!!! Wont disappoint you at all. Difficult to assemble some items, but I am very pleased with the outcome.
Great Buy
You wont regret this purchase This is the first time I have taken time to write a review but Im glad we made this purchase after months of scrolling though reviews - our grandkids love the bunk beds. My husband put them together with no problem (you will need a power drill ) no missing parts, beds are sturdy and look great. Very happy with the purchase.
Worth it
This thing is AWESOME!! Kinda hard to assemble but worth what I paid for it
Functional, appealing, do not use a drill.
Great product by all standards Came in a timely manner, was fairly easy to assemble if youve ever done anything like bookcases before, just time consuming. It took about 3.5 hours and two people for various parts. There are a few things that REQUIRE two people, but most of of it could be done by one person. DO NOT USE A DRILL! It is tempting, but unless you are good at going sllloowww you will probably strip a bolt. It is very sturdy, nice to look at, and very functional. Plenty of space for under-bed drawers or a trundle if thats your desire.
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