This bed is gorgeous and sturdy. It squeaks and such but the bar under the slats gives me immense peace of mind. My kid adores it. That said the instruction manual is only pictures. No words. It is the worst. But we got it done. Kids love it easy to put together.
My son bought this to replace an old bunk/bed. This is a nice bed and with it being bunk bed style, he has all of the room to use while his bed is up high. The paint does smell for a bit so when you put it together just give it a few days to air out otherwise worth the price and not hard to put together. Better than expected.
No issues with condition when it arrived. Instructions are pretty good, but it did take two of us about 2.5 hours (with kids in the house). Bed is exactly what we wanted, and well be coming back for a desk in the near future. We had a couple of parts that the labels were reversed, but it was easy to identify. I wish the ladder was a bit sturdier so I could walk up it to tuck my daughter in, but all in all very happy. Works great.
Overall a good buy. Nice bed for kids without breaking the bank. The assembly is easy, some parts easier with a helping hand due to length. Its nice to be made out of real wood but the downside was that some pieces of wood came with cracks. loves it!
This purchase was a well done purchase. The delivery was great and timely. My little girl loved the outcome. When assembling, it was easy with the instruction manual but there was trouble identifying the hardware parts. Overall, it is a easy project to put together Good,
Great bed terrible instruction manual
This bed is gorgeous and sturdy. It squeaks and such but the bar under the slats gives me immense peace of mind. My kid adores it. That said the instruction manual is only pictures. No words. It is the worst. But we got it done. Kids love it easy to put together.
Super adorable bed! Directions are only pictures, no words. Set up was a little difficult. Perfect.
Nice to have a space under the bed. Desk and shelves are useful. Bed frame could be sturdier and a shelve corner was slightly damaged. Easy assembly.
Item is of first/class quality! Delivery was fine. Remarkably cute packaging. Love it!
Do not recommend for safety
Not durable at all You need alot of patience to build this!
Not strudy
Nice bed, but it is not strudy. Rigged it to the wall with 2×4s and mental straps. Not all material shipped.
nice attractive and sturdy
My son bought this to replace an old bunk/bed. This is a nice bed and with it being bunk bed style, he has all of the room to use while his bed is up high. The paint does smell for a bit so when you put it together just give it a few days to air out otherwise worth the price and not hard to put together. Better than expected.
Pleasantly Supprised
No issues with condition when it arrived. Instructions are pretty good, but it did take two of us about 2.5 hours (with kids in the house). Bed is exactly what we wanted, and well be coming back for a desk in the near future. We had a couple of parts that the labels were reversed, but it was easy to identify. I wish the ladder was a bit sturdier so I could walk up it to tuck my daughter in, but all in all very happy. Works great.
Good buy
Overall a good buy. Nice bed for kids without breaking the bank. The assembly is easy, some parts easier with a helping hand due to length. Its nice to be made out of real wood but the downside was that some pieces of wood came with cracks. loves it!
A great project purchase!
This purchase was a well done purchase. The delivery was great and timely. My little girl loved the outcome. When assembling, it was easy with the instruction manual but there was trouble identifying the hardware parts. Overall, it is a easy project to put together Good,
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