I had all my materials but a couple of screws didnt fit. They do not really play a crucial role in the full assembly of the bed frame but it would be nice if everything did fit. Took me maybe a little over an hour to assemble it. But its really nice. The height it has is nice. I dont have to move the bed around when cleaning because I could vacuum under it pretty easy. Not bad. Very nice product!
The bed had a couple of dents in the medal and there were a couple of holes that wouldnt allow me to put in any screw that was provided in the package. I had to utilize smaller screws that I had around my home to put this bed together. Overall, the outcome was much better than I was expecting and super nice bed set. Well made. It was just what I wanted.
Not super sturdy. Did not come with any instructions, tried to use provided online instructions did not match numbers on pieces, and skipped steps which left us scrambling for answers. along with this holes in headboard did not line up. when you shake the bed, it moves like cry.
Took my husband and I a couple hours to put together but seems very sturdy. Looks nice. As others have mentioned you can see some of the silver screws/bolts. All in all we are happy! Will be ordering more.
This bed frame was a little hard to put together (it took 4 of us lol) but its not impossible. Once you get going, things start making sense but it is definitely recommended that you have someone help you out. All the pieces were there and we didnt need any additional screws or tools, which was great. Took about an hour to set up. So far, its sturdy and holds my weight (about 145 lbs). The only downside is that the horizontal bars are just kinda lying in their groves so if you knock it out of place, itll be on the floor (doesnt affect much since theres so many though) Apart from that, its pretty decent and nice for the price! I got it in white and it looks clean and simple, which is what I wanted. Very happy.
It was easy to assemble although it took an hour but the headboard still can be pushed back and forth as though there are screws loose which is kind of concerning. Other than that everything else is sturdy Worth a buy.
Make sure you have all your materials
I had all my materials but a couple of screws didnt fit. They do not really play a crucial role in the full assembly of the bed frame but it would be nice if everything did fit. Took me maybe a little over an hour to assemble it. But its really nice. The height it has is nice. I dont have to move the bed around when cleaning because I could vacuum under it pretty easy. Not bad. Very nice product!
1 Inconvenience + Aming Build
The bed had a couple of dents in the medal and there were a couple of holes that wouldnt allow me to put in any screw that was provided in the package. I had to utilize smaller screws that I had around my home to put this bed together. Overall, the outcome was much better than I was expecting and super nice bed set. Well made. It was just what I wanted.
Headache from the beginning
Not super sturdy. Did not come with any instructions, tried to use provided online instructions did not match numbers on pieces, and skipped steps which left us scrambling for answers. along with this holes in headboard did not line up. when you shake the bed, it moves like cry.
Overpriced. Very easy to put together, but half of the screws couldnt be screwed in all the way in and left the frame very wobbly
Great value!
Took my husband and I a couple hours to put together but seems very sturdy. Looks nice. As others have mentioned you can see some of the silver screws/bolts. All in all we are happy! Will be ordering more.
Assembly experience helpful
Its ok but smaller than expected. A lot of pieces once its together its nice but taking apart and moving around will be a pain in the ass
Assembly, Aesthetic, Clean, Simple
This bed frame was a little hard to put together (it took 4 of us lol) but its not impossible. Once you get going, things start making sense but it is definitely recommended that you have someone help you out. All the pieces were there and we didnt need any additional screws or tools, which was great. Took about an hour to set up. So far, its sturdy and holds my weight (about 145 lbs). The only downside is that the horizontal bars are just kinda lying in their groves so if you knock it out of place, itll be on the floor (doesnt affect much since theres so many though) Apart from that, its pretty decent and nice for the price! I got it in white and it looks clean and simple, which is what I wanted. Very happy.
Item came fast. many pieces to put together but overall works great for my sons bedroom. Pretty sturdy too Well built!!
Came with dents
A lot of dents Value.
Headboard a little unsturdy
It was easy to assemble although it took an hour but the headboard still can be pushed back and forth as though there are screws loose which is kind of concerning. Other than that everything else is sturdy Worth a buy.
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