The package came a few days later than expected. It took 2 hours to assemble but the bed is sturdy. I like the simplistic vibe to it and love the price. Functional.
This bed frame is great looking and pretty easy to assemble. Id buy it again. Its just as the photos show. Its a great color and makes the room look nice. Best for price.
My daughter and I both love this. Great price and its comfy and sturdy. It was not as easy to figure out how to put together for me as other people have experienced, and Ive put together a lot of furniture in my time. The instructions are only drawn and are not fully clear. It took about an hour to figure out and put it together. One person job.
It is very easy to assemble. I even assembled this bed with my 10 year old niece. She hold the frame so that I correctly assembled the bed. Buying another !
Good for the price
My daughter bed frame she loves it Decent buy for me.
Nice cheap bed
The package came a few days later than expected. It took 2 hours to assemble but the bed is sturdy. I like the simplistic vibe to it and love the price. Functional.
Looks good
Would buy again Item came intact Quality product.
Love the color and style
This bed frame is great looking and pretty easy to assemble. Id buy it again. Its just as the photos show. Its a great color and makes the room look nice. Best for price.
Looks more expensive than it is
My daughter and I both love this. Great price and its comfy and sturdy. It was not as easy to figure out how to put together for me as other people have experienced, and Ive put together a lot of furniture in my time. The instructions are only drawn and are not fully clear. It took about an hour to figure out and put it together. One person job.
This bed is terrific
The upholstery is very niceit is easy to assemble and very sturdyit was shipped promptly and arrived as scheduled. Perfect.
Looks good
Good size bed for my kid I am impressed!
Very nice and strong bed
Very good Satisfied
Sturdy and pretty
It is very easy to assemble. I even assembled this bed with my 10 year old niece. She hold the frame so that I correctly assembled the bed. Buying another !
Great product!
Very impressed with this product. Super easy to assemble and sturdy. One of my best buys.
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