I have some leather arm chairs and I desperately wanted a small Accent Chair that would fit under my desk. This works perfectly and looks great with my brown leather chair! It's fairly well priced, but of course the fake leather is not the best. There's no damage or wear so far with use, but since it is a thinner fake leather covering, I expect after much more use it will wear down and show some fading.
This is worth the price though, easy to assemble, and a comfortable height! I really like it for my office, so much so I bought one for my partner. They're also small enough to store under my chairs which is useful for in my living room.
I needed a small, low footstool for 2 accent chairs in my sunroom, theses were perfect.
The grey goes with my decor and they are sturdy.
My 8 year old granddaughter loves just sitting on them.
It was super easy to attach the legs. Easy to wipe off when needed.
Perfect size, looks nice, the legs have pads on the bottom and i like that its cloth so my dog can grip it with his nails for traction. Now its easy for him to get on the couch with me.
Easy assembly. It shipped to me without the wooden legs! No response from /seller so far
My previous reviews of this product were rejected. Hoping this one gets through.
I needed an extender to my chaise lounge because it curves downward at the end. This stool fit perfectly as I have long legs that no longer hang over the edge. It's even perfect for a step stool when I need to grab shoes on the closet shelf.
Perfect little stool!
Wonderful little stool, just what we needed - close to the floor, tiny and perfect!
Perfect Little Stool!!
I have some leather arm chairs and I desperately wanted a small Accent Chair that would fit under my desk. This works perfectly and looks great with my brown leather chair! It's fairly well priced, but of course the fake leather is not the best. There's no damage or wear so far with use, but since it is a thinner fake leather covering, I expect after much more use it will wear down and show some fading. This is worth the price though, easy to assemble, and a comfortable height! I really like it for my office, so much so I bought one for my partner. They're also small enough to store under my chairs which is useful for in my living room.
satisfactory for the price.
Nice small size, which is what i needed.
Nice but SMALL
Nice but too short to really elevate legs which was the reason for the purchase.
Great purchase.
I needed a small, low footstool for 2 accent chairs in my sunroom, theses were perfect. The grey goes with my decor and they are sturdy. My 8 year old granddaughter loves just sitting on them. It was super easy to attach the legs. Easy to wipe off when needed.
Perfect for small pets that need a stool to get on beds
Perfect for small pets that need a stool to get on beds
Nice little stool!
This is a sturdy little stool. Just the right size for our RV. Top is soft and has sturdy legs.
Great for footstool or pet stair.
Perfect size, looks nice, the legs have pads on the bottom and i like that its cloth so my dog can grip it with his nails for traction. Now its easy for him to get on the couch with me.
Beautiful footstool!
Easy assembly. It shipped to me without the wooden legs! No response from /seller so far My previous reviews of this product were rejected. Hoping this one gets through.
Perfect size
I needed an extender to my chaise lounge because it curves downward at the end. This stool fit perfectly as I have long legs that no longer hang over the edge. It's even perfect for a step stool when I need to grab shoes on the closet shelf.
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