The delivery took almost a month and 2 emails to arrive. It is easy to assemble. Reasonably sturdy, comfortable, but very firm, which is what I was looking for in my office. The arms are somewhat uncomfortable, there seems to be padding missing and you can feel the actual wood frame under the . I ordered the red chair, it is actually pink, like a salmon color.
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. color is gorgeous. Wide enough to be comfortable but small enough to fit in our small library. Gray blotter footstool and its more comfortable. Four stars for comfort, everything else is five stars.
Surprisingly easy to put together. Sturdy build and firm cushions. Smaller than expected but still plenty suitable. Im 56 143 lbs and it is not quite big enough to curl up in because of the depth of the seat cushion. Again it is perfect for home office and comfy enough.
This chair is every bit as beautiful as it is in the picture. Easy to put together, and add a lovely pop of color to my grey sofa and loveseat. Its a little stiff but so is the rest of my furniture so who cares! Love this chair!
Using 10 hours a day and not comfortable for that. If you are looking for something to look good in a room / This is your chair! If you are looking for comfort, sturdy and last a lifetime / This is NOT your chair!
Perfect and stylish.
Requires patience for delivery and is an occasional sit in chair, not every day use.
The delivery took almost a month and 2 emails to arrive. It is easy to assemble. Reasonably sturdy, comfortable, but very firm, which is what I was looking for in my office. The arms are somewhat uncomfortable, there seems to be padding missing and you can feel the actual wood frame under the . I ordered the red chair, it is actually pink, like a salmon color.
Sturdy, pretty, fairly comfortable
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. color is gorgeous. Wide enough to be comfortable but small enough to fit in our small library. Gray blotter footstool and its more comfortable. Four stars for comfort, everything else is five stars.
Suitable for home office
Surprisingly easy to put together. Sturdy build and firm cushions. Smaller than expected but still plenty suitable. Im 56 143 lbs and it is not quite big enough to curl up in because of the depth of the seat cushion. Again it is perfect for home office and comfy enough.
Beautiful chair!
This chair is every bit as beautiful as it is in the picture. Easy to put together, and add a lovely pop of color to my grey sofa and loveseat. Its a little stiff but so is the rest of my furniture so who cares! Love this chair!
Beautiful mid/century chairs
These chairs are a great addition to my mid/century office decor. They were very easy to assemble and comfy enough for shorter periods of time.
Get it already!
So beautiful! So sturdy! So easy to assemble! Im satisfied with this product! Worth every cent! Im 5ft5, I like that it is firm yet comfortable.
Not good for sitting in all the time
Using 10 hours a day and not comfortable for that. If you are looking for something to look good in a room / This is your chair! If you are looking for comfort, sturdy and last a lifetime / This is NOT your chair!
Nice chair, good quality and sturdy, but not too big. Nice chair, thank you!
Stylish Chair
We are very pleased with our chair! It is very stylish, was easy to assemble comfortable.
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