Love the pattern, the size, it feels very sturdy as well. Simple to assemble and well packaged. A bit of storage in the seat too. Exactly what I was looking for.
This bench is the exactly the size and shape I wanted. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. I ordered the beige soft fabric. The fabric is very soft, but the color is a lot lighter than pictured. I was thinking it would be a light brown (beige). In full daylight it almost looks light grey to us. At night it does lean toward a browner hue, but it is very light in color. The only other issue is that the fabric is a bit wrinkled already from only being sat on a couple times. Overall, for the price, I think its a great bench. If not for the color, I would give it 5 stars.
Although its not very comfortable to sit on, it looks like a beautiful accent piece in the living room. I love that is very spacious in the inside yet looks like seating area.
There was a broken leg on the original bench sent. I notified and within about three days I had a replacement bench. It was very easy to assemble. I love the color, the style and the color. I am exceptionally pleased with the outstanding customer service that I received from the seller thru . Designs4Comfort Garbo Storage Bench, Soft Beige Fabric. I highly recommend this item to everyone who likes class and uniqueness.
Utilize to sit on to aid in dressing
Perfect storage.
Smaller than anticipated but it is doing what its intended for
Designs4Comfort Garbo Storage Bench, Beige Botanical
I love storage bench and pattern. What I dont like is material.
Great bench, looks good and its sturdy.
Love the pattern, the size, it feels very sturdy as well. Simple to assemble and well packaged. A bit of storage in the seat too. Exactly what I was looking for.
Quality and very simple!
Looks so quality! And so very simple to put together - just screw the legs in and voila! Done!
Easy to put together lovely piece to have!
Very nice but Im a little disappointed
This bench is the exactly the size and shape I wanted. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. I ordered the beige soft fabric. The fabric is very soft, but the color is a lot lighter than pictured. I was thinking it would be a light brown (beige). In full daylight it almost looks light grey to us. At night it does lean toward a browner hue, but it is very light in color. The only other issue is that the fabric is a bit wrinkled already from only being sat on a couple times. Overall, for the price, I think its a great bench. If not for the color, I would give it 5 stars.
not very comfortable to sit on but has a great amount of storage space .
Although its not very comfortable to sit on, it looks like a beautiful accent piece in the living room. I love that is very spacious in the inside yet looks like seating area.
I love this item. It is perfect for my bedroom.
There was a broken leg on the original bench sent. I notified and within about three days I had a replacement bench. It was very easy to assemble. I love the color, the style and the color. I am exceptionally pleased with the outstanding customer service that I received from the seller thru . Designs4Comfort Garbo Storage Bench, Soft Beige Fabric. I highly recommend this item to everyone who likes class and uniqueness.
I love this, it fixes perfect and is comfortable
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