Our one year old grandson loves this slide and plays on it daily. It was super easy to put together. We didn’t attach the ring holder, feeling that he needs to be more stable in his walking first.
Easy build, nice neutral color way, sturdy enough and relatively compact. Plan to use it as water slide in summer, for now it’s a great indoor slide for rainy days. Should still supervise when a child is on this thing.
We got this for my daughter for Christmas and she is obsessed! It is very sturdy and so fun! Even my 6 year old nephew can use it. Absolutely recommend!!!
It's a cute little playset. But my toddler cannot use the slide. It is very poorly designed. My toddler hits his little toes on the little grooves in the slide every time. I hear his piggies crack and then he cries and is afraid to go down the slide since he gets hurt every time he goes down.
Literally what would I do without this slide in my living room? My 13 month old uses it constantly and it’s so safe due to the rails for the steps and the extra landing for the slide.
I do really love how aesthetically pleasing this is for my son’s playroom. However, I feel like he’ll grow out of this slide quickly because the incline is not steep enough, it’s like a 30% decline vs a 40-50% like slides are.. so it’s definitely more safe..
Easy to put together. My child likes the swing. Its raining where I'm at and so far its holding together pretty good. The slide is sliding. Took me about 45min to assemble.
Our 25 month old granddaughter loves this little slide. It's the perfect size for a little one, plus it folds if you need to get it out of the way. We bought it for her for Christmas and she uses it daily.
Sturdy and fun!
Our one year old grandson loves this slide and plays on it daily. It was super easy to put together. We didn’t attach the ring holder, feeling that he needs to be more stable in his walking first.
Good value for what it is
Easy build, nice neutral color way, sturdy enough and relatively compact. Plan to use it as water slide in summer, for now it’s a great indoor slide for rainy days. Should still supervise when a child is on this thing.
My 2 year old loves it!
We got this for my daughter for Christmas and she is obsessed! It is very sturdy and so fun! Even my 6 year old nephew can use it. Absolutely recommend!!!
Not what I expected
Not what I expected. Instructions are not helpful. After all this I had to make it work.
2 year old niece loves it for inside play
It folds up nicely I have been hold... perfect size for indoor apartment
It's ok but designed very poorly
It's a cute little playset. But my toddler cannot use the slide. It is very poorly designed. My toddler hits his little toes on the little grooves in the slide every time. I hear his piggies crack and then he cries and is afraid to go down the slide since he gets hurt every time he goes down.
Literally what would I do without this slide in my living room? My 13 month old uses it constantly and it’s so safe due to the rails for the steps and the extra landing for the slide.
Aesthetically pleasing
I do really love how aesthetically pleasing this is for my son’s playroom. However, I feel like he’ll grow out of this slide quickly because the incline is not steep enough, it’s like a 30% decline vs a 40-50% like slides are.. so it’s definitely more safe..
My daughter likes it
Easy to put together. My child likes the swing. Its raining where I'm at and so far its holding together pretty good. The slide is sliding. Took me about 45min to assemble.
It's a hit!
Our 25 month old granddaughter loves this little slide. It's the perfect size for a little one, plus it folds if you need to get it out of the way. We bought it for her for Christmas and she uses it daily.
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