This bed was exactly what I expected and great quality. The color is exactly what I wanted, not a red but a dark cherry wood. I am a very picky consumer and I am very happy with the quality and color of this bed.
My husband and I started looking for a bed for my three year old daughter which wasn't themed after a cartoon and this frame is beautiful in our room! Not too hard to assemble, just remember to have some handy tools like a screwdriver around. She sleeps in it every night and actually loved it!
It was kind of complicated to set up. Overall my toddler really enjoys it. Very sturdy and doesn't seem like it would break if my toddler were to jump on the bed.
Wish that they had 6 stars! It almost seems as if has made a pricing error. The quality is very good, easy enough to assemble and sturdy! I bought two of these. A standard crib mattress fits great! It's low to the ground so a 2 year old jumps right in. Also at first he fell out of bed a few times but he figured that problem out and hasn't since. The quality will surprise you I'm sure. The look on the little guys faces when they graduated to a real bed of their own was worth every penny! The cherry is a nice finish also.
this is a great little toddler bed for the money. Took about 30 minutes to put together and was very simple and had good instructions. Came nicely packaged from and put the box inside there own box, so no worries about it getting damaged. Came with extra parts and an Allen wrench (which was actually big enough for an adult to use) for assembly. Instructions said you needed a screw driver but you really don't. One person to assemble. Once assembled it felt solid. For a bed that's going to be used for maybe a year, 2 tops, you really can't beat the balance of quality and price. You can see a all of the screw wholes and hardware after its put together, there's no white covers to cover the screw wholes like most furniture. But its for a toddler and those would become choking hazards so that makes sense. Also it fits a normal Crib mattress perfectly.
A service
Absolutely a great bed for the price. We'll worth it, stylish and customer service is on point. A
This bed was exactly what I expected and great quality. The color is exactly what I wanted
This bed was exactly what I expected and great quality. The color is exactly what I wanted, not a red but a dark cherry wood. I am a very picky consumer and I am very happy with the quality and color of this bed.
Beautiful, sturdy toddler bed!
My husband and I started looking for a bed for my three year old daughter which wasn't themed after a cartoon and this frame is beautiful in our room! Not too hard to assemble, just remember to have some handy tools like a screwdriver around. She sleeps in it every night and actually loved it!
It's okay
It was kind of complicated to set up. Overall my toddler really enjoys it. Very sturdy and doesn't seem like it would break if my toddler were to jump on the bed.
sturdy and a great starter
Very well constructed, sturdy and a great starter bed
The bed was easy to setup and works great for my toddler
The bed was easy to setup and works great for my toddler. I have laid in the bed with my son and the bed held up great.
Easy to put together. Instructions are straight forward and it is the cutest toddler bed.
Easy to put together. Instructions are straight forward and it is the cutest toddler bed.
Wish that they had 6 stars! It almost seems as if has made a pricing error. The quality is very good, easy enough to assemble and sturdy! I bought two of these. A standard crib mattress fits great! It's low to the ground so a 2 year old jumps right in. Also at first he fell out of bed a few times but he figured that problem out and hasn't since. The quality will surprise you I'm sure. The look on the little guys faces when they graduated to a real bed of their own was worth every penny! The cherry is a nice finish also.
If i could do it
Yes this bed was great for my little one easy to put together I never put together anything this was a first and I must say I did a Great job!!
Great Balance of price and quality.
this is a great little toddler bed for the money. Took about 30 minutes to put together and was very simple and had good instructions. Came nicely packaged from and put the box inside there own box, so no worries about it getting damaged. Came with extra parts and an Allen wrench (which was actually big enough for an adult to use) for assembly. Instructions said you needed a screw driver but you really don't. One person to assemble. Once assembled it felt solid. For a bed that's going to be used for maybe a year, 2 tops, you really can't beat the balance of quality and price. You can see a all of the screw wholes and hardware after its put together, there's no white covers to cover the screw wholes like most furniture. But its for a toddler and those would become choking hazards so that makes sense. Also it fits a normal Crib mattress perfectly.
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