This is the cutest toddler bed I have seen. We had a sleigh bed in one of our guest rooms with matching bedroom pieces and we moved it out and this in. We made it more child friendly and fun but it fit perfectly with the other pieces. She loves her big girl room.
Easy to assemble, good quality and it looks great! It does fit a twin size mattress and there is space left around it. It works for us because we are using a thick comforter.
My in-laws purchased for my two year old. Im giving a 4 star rating instead of a 5 because they sent us two M pieces instead of an M and an L piece, luckily my husband and father-in-law are handy enough so they drilled the holes that were needed. But I saw this bed and knew I wanted it for my two year old for her first big girl bed. Its absolutely beautiful, and the fairy lights add a nice touch and perfect night light! I love the added bookshelf so its easy to read bedtime stories! Its a wonderful bed! It easily holds an adult and toddler so pretty sturdy as far as we can tell.
Impressed with the quality of this toddler bed for the price. Bed is perfect size, finish was high quality with no marks or scratches, and assembly was very easy. All holes aligned very well and no additional drilling or finagling was required to complete assembly, which is definitely not always the case with children's furniture. Bed seems extremely sturdy with no noticeable weakness and the center join. I'll update this review if anything changes as my daughter uses it, but so far extremely impressed for the price!
We made it more child friendly and fun but it fit perfectly with the other pieces
This is the cutest toddler bed I have seen. We had a sleigh bed in one of our guest rooms with matching bedroom pieces and we moved it out and this in. We made it more child friendly and fun but it fit perfectly with the other pieces. She loves her big girl room.
Everything about this bed is A? Love it
Everything about this bed is A? Love it
Child transitioned easily from crib to bed
A little difficult to put together......but that's what directions are for. Child transitioned easily from crib to bed.
Perfect Toddler Bed
Easy to assemble, good quality and it looks great! It does fit a twin size mattress and there is space left around it. It works for us because we are using a thick comforter.
It is easy for her to get in and out of
My 15 month old daughter loves this bed. It is easy for her to get in and out of. Easy assembly and arrived earlier than expected, great service!
My son loves his bed
So cute
Perfect for toddler
Super easy to put together and looks great so sturdy me and my son can both lay in it and be comfy!
Nice little bed good quality
Very happy with purchase. Quality bed and easy set up. Excellent and classy for the price. Highly recommend.
Perfect for toddler.
My in-laws purchased for my two year old. Im giving a 4 star rating instead of a 5 because they sent us two M pieces instead of an M and an L piece, luckily my husband and father-in-law are handy enough so they drilled the holes that were needed. But I saw this bed and knew I wanted it for my two year old for her first big girl bed. Its absolutely beautiful, and the fairy lights add a nice touch and perfect night light! I love the added bookshelf so its easy to read bedtime stories! Its a wonderful bed! It easily holds an adult and toddler so pretty sturdy as far as we can tell.
Impressed with the quality of this toddler bed for the price. Bed is perfect size, finish was high quality with no marks or scratches, and assembly was very easy. All holes aligned very well and no additional drilling or finagling was required to complete assembly, which is definitely not always the case with children's furniture. Bed seems extremely sturdy with no noticeable weakness and the center join. I'll update this review if anything changes as my daughter uses it, but so far extremely impressed for the price!
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