I gave this as a gift to my granddaughter for a baby shower. Both she and her husband have used it extensively with our great/grandson. It is well/made and very comfortable to sit in. The rocking motion is smooth and quiet.
We got this chair for my daughter who is having a baby it is beautiful comfortable and has high quality she has since had the baby and uses it all the time is one of the nicest pieces of furniture for the price that I have ever bought.
Purchased for my daughter and son in law as a Christmas present for their new arrival they said it was very narrow wished it was wider. Quality was great and loved the color
Im impressed. My daughter is 9 months and I was just able to get a chair. I liked that the swinging parts of the chair and ottoman came already assembled so you just have to put the back and legs on / just nice not to hassle with that equipment. Very comfortable and easy to rock in. I researched a lot of chairs before deciding on this one and I am very happy.
Lets start with the good.the chair looks really nice and I think its pretty comfortable. Assembly was super easy / I was worried it was going to be a nightmare. It took about 10 minutes to put together. The glide motion is very smooth and the one I have is very quiet.
The badthe chair is damaged. Im usually pretty forgiving about damaged furniture, as frustrating as it is, because I it gets shipped all over the place and its possible that the damage happens in transit. Anyway, if you look in the picture you can see the front of the chair is pretty dinged up (of course, its the front right If it were in the back I probably wouldnt care). Whats more, I inspected the box, its not damaged, there isnt a hole in the box that matches up with the damaged wood. This didnt happen in transit.
Beyond that, it just feels pretty cheap. The chair is light (generally a bad thing for wooden furniture). The padding is great now, but it doesnt feel like it will hold up. Also annoying / even on day 1 the snaps that hold the padding for the arms on didnt work. It just wont hold. Maybe Ill superglue shut or some up with something similar.
Im frustrated and disappointed with receiving damaged furniture; particularly with baby items. Like most people Im not going to take 10 minutes taking the chair apart, then 30 minutes trying to get it back in the box, then find packing tape, throw it into my car and send it back to . Or you can try to contact the company to get a replacement part / sit on hold for an hour or send an email and wait a week for a response.
Edit: Update after two years of use the chair has held up very well. I was frustrated with the original damage but have increased my rating since.
We love it so far! Was really simple to put together. We wanted one for the new baby but did not want to spend the 400 for the ones in the store. This one was way cheaper and honestly really comfortable. Both my kids have been using it and not being too gentle on it, but it has held up pretty well. I am very happy with my buy and would purchase from them again or suggest the product to someone.
It is well/made and very comfortable to sit in
I gave this as a gift to my granddaughter for a baby shower. Both she and her husband have used it extensively with our great/grandson. It is well/made and very comfortable to sit in. The rocking motion is smooth and quiet.
my daughter who is having a baby it is beautiful comfortable and has high quality she has since had
We got this chair for my daughter who is having a baby it is beautiful comfortable and has high quality she has since had the baby and uses it all the time is one of the nicest pieces of furniture for the price that I have ever bought.
and is a great chair for the price
Definitely worth the buy and its very comfy, doesnt squeak, and is a great chair for the price.
Purchased for my daughter and son in law as a
Purchased for my daughter and son in law as a Christmas present for their new arrival they said it was very narrow wished it was wider. Quality was great and loved the color
Good, slightly overpriced, good customer service which makes up for it
Pretty good
They love how comfortable and sturdy it is
Bought for son and daughter/n/laws baby nursery. They love how comfortable and sturdy it is. Ill order another one soon for my home
Well worth it, Great product for the Price.
Im impressed. My daughter is 9 months and I was just able to get a chair. I liked that the swinging parts of the chair and ottoman came already assembled so you just have to put the back and legs on / just nice not to hassle with that equipment. Very comfortable and easy to rock in. I researched a lot of chairs before deciding on this one and I am very happy.
Almost GreatBut Was Pretty Disappointed.
Lets start with the good.the chair looks really nice and I think its pretty comfortable. Assembly was super easy / I was worried it was going to be a nightmare. It took about 10 minutes to put together. The glide motion is very smooth and the one I have is very quiet. The badthe chair is damaged. Im usually pretty forgiving about damaged furniture, as frustrating as it is, because I it gets shipped all over the place and its possible that the damage happens in transit. Anyway, if you look in the picture you can see the front of the chair is pretty dinged up (of course, its the front right If it were in the back I probably wouldnt care). Whats more, I inspected the box, its not damaged, there isnt a hole in the box that matches up with the damaged wood. This didnt happen in transit. Beyond that, it just feels pretty cheap. The chair is light (generally a bad thing for wooden furniture). The padding is great now, but it doesnt feel like it will hold up. Also annoying / even on day 1 the snaps that hold the padding for the arms on didnt work. It just wont hold. Maybe Ill superglue shut or some up with something similar. Im frustrated and disappointed with receiving damaged furniture; particularly with baby items. Like most people Im not going to take 10 minutes taking the chair apart, then 30 minutes trying to get it back in the box, then find packing tape, throw it into my car and send it back to . Or you can try to contact the company to get a replacement part / sit on hold for an hour or send an email and wait a week for a response. Edit: Update after two years of use the chair has held up very well. I was frustrated with the original damage but have increased my rating since.
We love it so far
We love it so far! Was really simple to put together. We wanted one for the new baby but did not want to spend the 400 for the ones in the store. This one was way cheaper and honestly really comfortable. Both my kids have been using it and not being too gentle on it, but it has held up pretty well. I am very happy with my buy and would purchase from them again or suggest the product to someone.
They love it!
Bought as a shower gift. They love it!!
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