My husband absolutely loves this chair. It was easy to assemble and it is super comfortable. He is about 280 and 61 ... the chair lifts him up to his feet no problem.
Bought this for my 87 year old mother as it had gotten harder to push up out of her old recliner. This electric recliner is very comfortable. We got her the ivory colored chair and it wipes clean very easily. Definitely a great purchase!
Nice chair, wished it reclined more. Items such as IPad, tv remotes can slip down into chair if one is not paying attention. It does have side pockets to store stuff. My millennial son uses it more than I do he loves the vibration. You can power off the vibration also if you just want the heat. Family is enjoying the chair.
Disliked that it came in two boxes and one box got lost ups found it later and box was damaged . But the Item is great easy to assemble and does what it said .
Best recliner ever.
Got this chair yesterday, it came in two boxes and was very easy to assemble. We love all the features, comfort and color. This was a great purchase!
Comfortable and easy to assemble
My husband absolutely loves this chair. It was easy to assemble and it is super comfortable. He is about 280 and 61 ... the chair lifts him up to his feet no problem.
Comfortable and great quality!
Husband is very happy with this chair!
Mom likes
Mom is 82 and said she really likes it
Bought this for my 87 year old mother as it had gotten harder to push up out of her old recliner. This electric recliner is very comfortable. We got her the ivory colored chair and it wipes clean very easily. Definitely a great purchase!
Great chair, Great price
It has all the bells and whistles that you could want in a lift chair at a great price.
Items can slip down into the chair if not careful
Nice chair, wished it reclined more. Items such as IPad, tv remotes can slip down into chair if one is not paying attention. It does have side pockets to store stuff. My millennial son uses it more than I do he loves the vibration. You can power off the vibration also if you just want the heat. Family is enjoying the chair.
Exactly what was described in the ad for this chair.
I love the chair. My sister had a double knee replacement surgery and needed this chair to get up and down.
Look for two boxes
Disliked that it came in two boxes and one box got lost ups found it later and box was damaged . But the Item is great easy to assemble and does what it said .
Very comfortable and Mom loves it.....
Mom Loves it and I thought the chair was very comfortable
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