It came in great shape and very easy to assembly. The color was prefect and it is very sturdy. It is comfortable and it seems to support my low back. I will probably order another two more if I need them.
Wow these stools are really nice. Im not a handy person in the slightest! In fact I usually rely on my husband to build everything but he is on a deployment so I built these by myself! The instructions were great and in color. I could understand them lol! The chairs are sleek and unique. Im impressed with them. 5 stars from this military wife!
So easy to put together, comfortable and sturdy. They appear to be well made. Grandkids spun on them for a couple days. When you sit way back in the chair it feels like a bit of a bump. (Second picture) Doesnt bother me, my husband pointed it out. Overall happy with the purchase. Thinking of getting a couple more. I had been searching for the right height stool for a year. These were perfect because we could adjust.
They look great and are easy to assemble. I would have preferred to have the paint on the metallic part to be smooth and slightly glossy than the Matt/rough finish it have. Overall they look great.
Easy to Assembly
It came in great shape and very easy to assembly. The color was prefect and it is very sturdy. It is comfortable and it seems to support my low back. I will probably order another two more if I need them.
Love these chairs.
Love these chairs. They are comfortable and stylish.
Stop Debating, Just Buy Them!
Perfect spot to sit and watch my boyfriend cook. Comfy, sturdy, soft to the touch, and well worth every penny. I love these!! Great buy overall.
Beautiful stools!
Wow these stools are really nice. Im not a handy person in the slightest! In fact I usually rely on my husband to build everything but he is on a deployment so I built these by myself! The instructions were great and in color. I could understand them lol! The chairs are sleek and unique. Im impressed with them. 5 stars from this military wife!
Great Bar Stool!
So easy to put together, comfortable and sturdy. They appear to be well made. Grandkids spun on them for a couple days. When you sit way back in the chair it feels like a bit of a bump. (Second picture) Doesnt bother me, my husband pointed it out. Overall happy with the purchase. Thinking of getting a couple more. I had been searching for the right height stool for a year. These were perfect because we could adjust.
We enjoy them exactly what we wanted
Very nice and super easy to assemble.
Great chairs, especially for the price.
Great, stylish chairs!
Love these chairs. Beautiful and comfortable. Will be getting another set. Easy to put together4 screws is all and they give you the Allen wrench.
Looks great
They look great and are easy to assemble. I would have preferred to have the paint on the metallic part to be smooth and slightly glossy than the Matt/rough finish it have. Overall they look great.
Style and comfort
Great style and comfortable for casual meetings!
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