It does look pretty cute for the price. But as far as assembly, it was definitely a struggle. Its not very sturdy at all when I went to flip it to assemble to top, the side legs completely fell apart. We ended up screwing in some three inch screws, and now its holding up great!! We have a 50 tv sitting on it and its holding the weight pretty well.
We ordered two of these and neither one came with mounting hardware for the TVs. For that reason and the major inconvenience it caused, I wouldnt purchase another. Mounting hardware isnt something most people have lying around, so it should definitely be included.
The length of this fireplace is exactly what I was looking for. I thought of building my own for the spot for it to go but then I saw this one. It took me one evening after work to put it together so it is not time consuming. The only small downfall I have for this fireplace is that it doesnt seem to put out as much heat as my other one did...other than that its very nice. .recommend
Ran into many issues when putting this together. The top would not line up with the rest of the TV stand, so its not held together very well. It looks good, but if I ever have to move it, it will probably fall apart very easily.
I needed something to put under my 65 inch wall mounted TV and this was perfect. After reading many reviews on here and the reasonable price I was a bit skeptical, however Im so happy I made the purchase. I love it! The instructions werent bad, you just have to take your time and review the pictures in the instructions to make sure the parts are facing the correct direction. I put this together myself without any help in about an hour and a half. I did take a couple of breaks from it. Lol Im 54 and not the strongest because this is pretty heavy but It all went together fairly quickly. The only part I had a bit of trouble with was attaching the top by myself. After a couple of attempts to just place it on top and line up the bolts I finally gave up and laid the top down on the floor and flipped the base over to attach it. If I had help that part would have been so much easier. I Highly recommend this unit, its extremely sturdy and nice looking for the price! You just need to have patience putting it together. .recommend
I love to decorate for the Holidays and this 6 piece cubicle meets my vision perfectly.
The size is great, Its large and has many cubicles to decorate individually.
Highly recommend this product! .recommend
Its not the best but it does look nice
It does look pretty cute for the price. But as far as assembly, it was definitely a struggle. Its not very sturdy at all when I went to flip it to assemble to top, the side legs completely fell apart. We ended up screwing in some three inch screws, and now its holding up great!! We have a 50 tv sitting on it and its holding the weight pretty well.
Great but missing parts.
We ordered two of these and neither one came with mounting hardware for the TVs. For that reason and the major inconvenience it caused, I wouldnt purchase another. Mounting hardware isnt something most people have lying around, so it should definitely be included.
Nice and warm
Ive added construction to my resume after assembling- room looks great! .recommend
Looks and Works Great
Very solid construction - easy to assemble - looks great. .recommend
Very nice fireplace
The length of this fireplace is exactly what I was looking for. I thought of building my own for the spot for it to go but then I saw this one. It took me one evening after work to put it together so it is not time consuming. The only small downfall I have for this fireplace is that it doesnt seem to put out as much heat as my other one did...other than that its very nice. .recommend
good and solid
good material fairly easy to put together .recommend
NOT SQUARE - Couldnt install correctly
Ran into many issues when putting this together. The top would not line up with the rest of the TV stand, so its not held together very well. It looks good, but if I ever have to move it, it will probably fall apart very easily.
Love it! It was exactly what I was looking for.
I needed something to put under my 65 inch wall mounted TV and this was perfect. After reading many reviews on here and the reasonable price I was a bit skeptical, however Im so happy I made the purchase. I love it! The instructions werent bad, you just have to take your time and review the pictures in the instructions to make sure the parts are facing the correct direction. I put this together myself without any help in about an hour and a half. I did take a couple of breaks from it. Lol Im 54 and not the strongest because this is pretty heavy but It all went together fairly quickly. The only part I had a bit of trouble with was attaching the top by myself. After a couple of attempts to just place it on top and line up the bolts I finally gave up and laid the top down on the floor and flipped the base over to attach it. If I had help that part would have been so much easier. I Highly recommend this unit, its extremely sturdy and nice looking for the price! You just need to have patience putting it together. .recommend
Nice tv table/stand
Good quality. Just make sure you put about two hours aside to assemble (I did it by myself). .recommend
Perfect! The best purchase Ive ever made.
I love to decorate for the Holidays and this 6 piece cubicle meets my vision perfectly. The size is great, Its large and has many cubicles to decorate individually. Highly recommend this product! .recommend
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