I have had to retighten the bolts multiple times, as they loosen and the bed squeaks with every movement. It squeaks a bit even when all connections are tight. The main, underneath support railings at the head and the foot of the bed, were both found bent inward when moving the beds location the first time.
This bed is beautiful! Easy instructions. Didnt take too long to put together and is extremely sturdy. My daughter is in love with his bed. The trundle is smooth when it rolls out and has locks on the wheels to stop it from moving. The trundle is amingly sturdy and did not scuff my floors.
We got this for my daughter and she loved it. So far we have had no problems with it. I will say that you need some throw pillows as the metal is obviously hard, but it is such a nice/looking finish.
Super cute! Took me only two hours to put together by myself. Bed was packaged well and arrived on time. The bed is bronze and not black like it looks in photos but its great for the price and it fits well with my decor.
Great Value, Beautiful
Used in Guest Room, Very Pretty and you use can use any color with it and it looks beautiful
Very squeaky with any movement
I have had to retighten the bolts multiple times, as they loosen and the bed squeaks with every movement. It squeaks a bit even when all connections are tight. The main, underneath support railings at the head and the foot of the bed, were both found bent inward when moving the beds location the first time.
Absolutely beautiful! Sturdiest daybed that I have ever bought and trundle makes it even better
This bed is beautiful! Easy instructions. Didnt take too long to put together and is extremely sturdy. My daughter is in love with his bed. The trundle is smooth when it rolls out and has locks on the wheels to stop it from moving. The trundle is amingly sturdy and did not scuff my floors.
Perfect for my daughter
We got this for my daughter and she loved it. So far we have had no problems with it. I will say that you need some throw pillows as the metal is obviously hard, but it is such a nice/looking finish.
Good buy
Bought this bed for my 4 year old daughter. She loves it!! It was pretty easy to assemble. Would definitely recommend.
Great beds
Looks nice
Quality product
Very nice and fast shipping
Beautiful bed
Beautiful bed, nice and strong and easy to put together
Get value for the price!
Super cute! Took me only two hours to put together by myself. Bed was packaged well and arrived on time. The bed is bronze and not black like it looks in photos but its great for the price and it fits well with my decor.
going to put to good use with visiting family
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