I bought loft bed this for my grandson for his 3rd birthday. The hight it just right for a child his age. It was easy to put together. So easy I did it myself. All his toys fit under the bed and he even made a little tent under the bed. It is sturdy and durable. A regular twin mattress fit perfect. The price is perfect. Great bed, great value.
We have a small lake house and my little foldable bed was getting too populated. This loft bunk bed solved my problem beautifully. The puppies have their cushions and I have mine. This bed doesnt squeak and its firm. Just for reference: Im 52 and 120 pounds.
Got this for my 9 year old. The bed itself looks exactly like the image, easy to put together. All tools included. I recommend getting a drill to use if you would like to speed up some time. My only complaint is even using a drill and making sure the screws were as tight as possible, they constantly come loose around the railing and steps of the bed, and that worries me. no screws on the actual holding of the bed come loose though, just the rail (near the steps) and the steps themselves. Basically, bed doesnt withstand much movement.
Our 4 year old is very tall for her age, and needed to be moved up to a bigger bed, but her room is so small, we couldnt convert her crib to the full size bed, so we opted for this loft bed. Its perfect. It allows for her IKEA Kallax shelving unit to fit under it and gives her more floor space. Its not super tall, so while it is recommended for 6+, we felt comfortable with her on it. We put a 6 memory foam mattress on it, and its awesome. She loves it. She will lay on it to look at books, play tablet or play with her toys.
The only minor complaint, is that the ladder rungs can be slippery and are not very wide. We did cover them with pool noodle pieces, and the duct taped around them to close the gap so they fit snug. That helped a lot.
Otherwise, GREAT buy!
Great for young children.
I bought loft bed this for my grandson for his 3rd birthday. The hight it just right for a child his age. It was easy to put together. So easy I did it myself. All his toys fit under the bed and he even made a little tent under the bed. It is sturdy and durable. A regular twin mattress fit perfect. The price is perfect. Great bed, great value.
My granddaughter just LOVED HER NEW BED!!
Was not disappointed / she loves her new bed and has slept in it every night since her Dad put it up.
So far so good.
Looks solid, easy to assemble.
We have a small lake house and my little foldable bed was getting too populated. This loft bunk bed solved my problem beautifully. The puppies have their cushions and I have mine. This bed doesnt squeak and its firm. Just for reference: Im 52 and 120 pounds.
Simple but great
Pretty easy to build but definitely need two people! Its perfect for kids!
Screws come loose with wiggle
Got this for my 9 year old. The bed itself looks exactly like the image, easy to put together. All tools included. I recommend getting a drill to use if you would like to speed up some time. My only complaint is even using a drill and making sure the screws were as tight as possible, they constantly come loose around the railing and steps of the bed, and that worries me. no screws on the actual holding of the bed come loose though, just the rail (near the steps) and the steps themselves. Basically, bed doesnt withstand much movement.
Kid will love it , get some rest up top party at the bottom !
Dont mind my sons room lol boys are messy . Anyways this bed was fairly easy to assemble, I put it up my self (55 woman ) and he loves it ! Hes 3 .
Great upgrade from Toddler bed
Our 4 year old is very tall for her age, and needed to be moved up to a bigger bed, but her room is so small, we couldnt convert her crib to the full size bed, so we opted for this loft bed. Its perfect. It allows for her IKEA Kallax shelving unit to fit under it and gives her more floor space. Its not super tall, so while it is recommended for 6+, we felt comfortable with her on it. We put a 6 memory foam mattress on it, and its awesome. She loves it. She will lay on it to look at books, play tablet or play with her toys. The only minor complaint, is that the ladder rungs can be slippery and are not very wide. We did cover them with pool noodle pieces, and the duct taped around them to close the gap so they fit snug. That helped a lot. Otherwise, GREAT buy!
Easy peasy
My son loved it! Took my husband and I only a couple of hours to assemble.
Good childs bed.
Really great for small rooms to give children space to play. Easy to assemble. Just wish the ladder was a little more sturdy.
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