My son loves his bed, definitely happy that I purchased this. I can say it was just a little bit, not too much trouble to assemble. But overall, happy that I purchased this bed.
Sturdiness is ok.
Assembling is not bad. However one of the bar is missing a hole to where I can put a screw there to tighten it or keep it more sturdy.
Ladder hurts my daughters feet when she climb up to sleep so I bought one of those foam floating noodle at Dollar Tree and cut it to cover the metal bar so it wont hurt her feet when she climb up to sleep.
This bed was a great price. However, I wouldnt recommend it. Its a little bit shaky when my 7 soon to be 8 year old is crawling across it to get off. And I made sure everything was tightened before I allowed her to sleep it in. So far, its been keeping up. It just worries me when her bed thats so high up starts moving with her.
The tops that connect to the bed were so dented we had to use a hammer to fix it. I was so mad and had we not tossed my sons toddler bed we wouldve sent it back. Unfortunately he needed a bed that day. Fortunately my husband and I were able to beat it and make it work. It also has rusted spots on it upon arrival. Its cheap you cant expect much but gosh.
This bed frame is a great space saving bed frame. Were able to store bins of toys and make a little desk/reading area too.
Highly reccomend, and will be purchasing one for my other kids room.
This bed is great. My son has only been sleeping in it for a couple weeks. I put it together in about two hours. The instructions were the best Ive read in awhile. Great price, sturdy and now he has so much room to play now. Only down side it the giant warning sticker on the top part.
My kiddo loves this bed; however, the steps are too small around and hurt her feet when she climbs up into the bed. So weve had to add cushion to it. They open space underneath is great from adding a book area or toybox, we make a tent under there sometimes. Great for imagination!
Great Purchase
My son loves his bed, definitely happy that I purchased this. I can say it was just a little bit, not too much trouble to assemble. But overall, happy that I purchased this bed.
Great product
Well built, quality materials, easy assembly. Love it
Not the best but do/able
Sturdiness is ok. Assembling is not bad. However one of the bar is missing a hole to where I can put a screw there to tighten it or keep it more sturdy. Ladder hurts my daughters feet when she climb up to sleep so I bought one of those foam floating noodle at Dollar Tree and cut it to cover the metal bar so it wont hurt her feet when she climb up to sleep.
Not too sturdy
This bed was a great price. However, I wouldnt recommend it. Its a little bit shaky when my 7 soon to be 8 year old is crawling across it to get off. And I made sure everything was tightened before I allowed her to sleep it in. So far, its been keeping up. It just worries me when her bed thats so high up starts moving with her.
Secret kid club
My daughter loved her new bed she uses the bottom more then the top for her little own get away
Dented parts
The tops that connect to the bed were so dented we had to use a hammer to fix it. I was so mad and had we not tossed my sons toddler bed we wouldve sent it back. Unfortunately he needed a bed that day. Fortunately my husband and I were able to beat it and make it work. It also has rusted spots on it upon arrival. Its cheap you cant expect much but gosh.
Great kid bed
This bed frame is a great space saving bed frame. Were able to store bins of toys and make a little desk/reading area too. Highly reccomend, and will be purchasing one for my other kids room.
Everything I wanted it to be!
This bed is great. My son has only been sleeping in it for a couple weeks. I put it together in about two hours. The instructions were the best Ive read in awhile. Great price, sturdy and now he has so much room to play now. Only down side it the giant warning sticker on the top part.
it works, ladder hurts my kiddos feet though
My kiddo loves this bed; however, the steps are too small around and hurt her feet when she climbs up into the bed. So weve had to add cushion to it. They open space underneath is great from adding a book area or toybox, we make a tent under there sometimes. Great for imagination!
Easy to assemble
very easy to put together, just takes a bit of time.
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