The seller accidentally sent me black instead of white but I dont really care that much. The bed is nice and sturdy for the price / I will say it was hard to assemble by myself I got a queen and it took me a few hours to put together. But for the price you cant go wrong
Im a large person, about 300 lbs, so I was concerned about weight capacity. It says over 600 lb capacity, so I bought it. It looks great, is quiet, and sleeps well. It was fairly easy to assemble Im really slow on this kind of stuff, but I was very diligent, and did it myself in a couple of hours. Seems to be well engineered. Im very pleased with my purchase. I reaserched them all online and decided on this one. The finish has a good gold/bronze finish.
Worth every penny. Had this frame for a year and a half and have recommended it to family and friends. Easy to put together/ I did a queen size frame by myself in about an hour. The instructions are printed on the inside of the box so be careful opening. Ive had to take it apart to move and it goes together again easily and is just as sturdy as before. It looks nice with any style of decor and I will definitely buy again to decorate the guest bedroom.
We bought this and received it a few days later after ordering one similar with a furniture store and waited over a month. My son is 240 and I didnt want something that would not be solid. This bed is great and he loves it
Good bed. I put it together myself easily. The only issue I have encountered was a missing step 7 that should have indicated to add the posts by the head and foot board before adding other posts. And better instruction to insert the black plastic caps to the ends of each post. I figured it out quickly but something to note as your putting the bed together.
Aside from the instructions it came in well wrapped with zero blemishes. Everything fit as it should without issue. Its very sturdy and doesnt squeak. I am happy with the bed frame.
Nice and sturdy frame
There is quite a few parts but fairly simple to put together. It has good support especially in the middle. Very happy with this purchase
Very nice!
I love my new bed but assembly was tough to put together
Love it
Easy to assemble. Would buy it again.
Very beautiful, sturdy, and affordable platform bad frame.
Very beautiful, sturdy, and affordable platform bed frame.
Good for the price
The seller accidentally sent me black instead of white but I dont really care that much. The bed is nice and sturdy for the price / I will say it was hard to assemble by myself I got a queen and it took me a few hours to put together. But for the price you cant go wrong
Looks great and is sturdy
Im a large person, about 300 lbs, so I was concerned about weight capacity. It says over 600 lb capacity, so I bought it. It looks great, is quiet, and sleeps well. It was fairly easy to assemble Im really slow on this kind of stuff, but I was very diligent, and did it myself in a couple of hours. Seems to be well engineered. Im very pleased with my purchase. I reaserched them all online and decided on this one. The finish has a good gold/bronze finish.
Mostly Thrilled
Easy to put together and take apart for moving. Lightweight, but sturdy.
One of the best bed frames Ive ever had
Worth every penny. Had this frame for a year and a half and have recommended it to family and friends. Easy to put together/ I did a queen size frame by myself in about an hour. The instructions are printed on the inside of the box so be careful opening. Ive had to take it apart to move and it goes together again easily and is just as sturdy as before. It looks nice with any style of decor and I will definitely buy again to decorate the guest bedroom.
Solid stuff iron bed
We bought this and received it a few days later after ordering one similar with a furniture store and waited over a month. My son is 240 and I didnt want something that would not be solid. This bed is great and he loves it
Sturdy non squeaky
Good bed. I put it together myself easily. The only issue I have encountered was a missing step 7 that should have indicated to add the posts by the head and foot board before adding other posts. And better instruction to insert the black plastic caps to the ends of each post. I figured it out quickly but something to note as your putting the bed together. Aside from the instructions it came in well wrapped with zero blemishes. Everything fit as it should without issue. Its very sturdy and doesnt squeak. I am happy with the bed frame.
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