Very sturdy yet not overtly heavy so its easy to move around! The assembly went smooth once I figured out the mislabeled pieces from the pictures so just look out for anything like that! Very happy with this purchase!
This bed is super easy to put together, and I love how simple and sturdy it is. It sits low to the ground which is what I was looking for. Theres still a little room underneath to store small bins under the bed. I like it
I ordered this frame for king size bed. Assembly did not take much of the time and its easy. Very sturdy, size is perfectly designed.
Highly recommend for heavy weight person.
Really Happy.. easy to assemble.. sturdy .. noiseless and the sleek design gives it a very modern aesthetic while taking up minimal space.
Room for under the bed storage...
Great product
It is pretty sturdy although Ive had a few issues with a couple of screws coming out. One downside is the bed is very squeaky after putting it together it was okay for 2 or 3 nights and then it started to squeak all the time. Even after I tightened all the screws it still squeaks after one night
Rounded corners!
Easy set up, sturdy and nice looking
Very easy to build and great bed for my 12yr old
Nice platform bed!
Very sturdy yet not overtly heavy so its easy to move around! The assembly went smooth once I figured out the mislabeled pieces from the pictures so just look out for anything like that! Very happy with this purchase!
Simple and sturdy
This bed is super easy to put together, and I love how simple and sturdy it is. It sits low to the ground which is what I was looking for. Theres still a little room underneath to store small bins under the bed. I like it
Nice and sturdy
No suprises. Good instructions and easy to assemble.
Good quality
Very Sturdy
I ordered this frame for king size bed. Assembly did not take much of the time and its easy. Very sturdy, size is perfectly designed. Highly recommend for heavy weight person.
Awesome Bed Frame
Really sturdy and easy to assemble. The bed itself is not completely black but speckled with a bit of brown which is not that noticeable.
Stylish Frame
Really Happy.. easy to assemble.. sturdy .. noiseless and the sleek design gives it a very modern aesthetic while taking up minimal space. Room for under the bed storage... Great product
great but very squeaky
It is pretty sturdy although Ive had a few issues with a couple of screws coming out. One downside is the bed is very squeaky after putting it together it was okay for 2 or 3 nights and then it started to squeak all the time. Even after I tightened all the screws it still squeaks after one night
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