OK, but it smelled like strong chemicals for days - it's good after a week. The blue border should be elastic and not a drawstring as it is difficult to get it tight enough. Kid proof though.
The assembly instructions I got say to attach the legs (Step 6) and then put the blue safety cover on (Step 7). This is wrong-- you should put the blue safety cover on FIRST and then attach the legs. There are holes in the blue cover that the legs should go through to make it more secure and not snap off when the trampoline is being used. If you put the legs on first then it is nearly impossible to stretch the blue cover on and may result in rips (in my case).
Other than that, it's been fun for my kids to play on.
5, 3, and 2 year old love it,. 3 year old already destroyed the handle bar protection/cushion. It is very spongy and easy to tear. Only had it for 8 hours before it tore off. Has not tilted for the 47lbs 5 year old. for three active days on it. very happy with the design with exception of the handlebar protection.
The instructions are awful, but it's not too hard to figure out. What I really don't like is that the blue cover does not fit snugly on the trampoline. It's loose with several open spots for little feet to get caught in. And it may be foldable but not without unscrewing, so that feels a little misleading.
Great trampoline but we thought the instructions weren't very clear for the average person (not handy!) It helped to pull cords together before we put the blue top on, and the 5 black straps with the balls were not even mentioned in the directions, or which way to put the handle, facing in or out. The reviews were helpful because one of them actually showed pictures so we were able to figure it out. Otherwise, great purchase!
I got this product for my 3 soon to be 4 yrs old daughter of mine. I gave it 3 stars because the instruction where not very clear and two legs have the black rubber piece missing. When I finish assembling everything, the trampoline was uneven. I had to place a cork mat under those two legs to make it even. Other than that, I am ok with it. I hope this review helps...
Received the trampoline a week already, look very nice and sturdy, but because there has no instruction menu i don't know how to install although not much parts there; Requested seller to send me a link or copy of instruction manual a few days ago, but still no response!
but it smelled like strong chemicals for days - it's good after a ...
OK, but it smelled like strong chemicals for days - it's good after a week. The blue border should be elastic and not a drawstring as it is difficult to get it tight enough. Kid proof though.
Assembly instructions are wrong.
The assembly instructions I got say to attach the legs (Step 6) and then put the blue safety cover on (Step 7). This is wrong-- you should put the blue safety cover on FIRST and then attach the legs. There are holes in the blue cover that the legs should go through to make it more secure and not snap off when the trampoline is being used. If you put the legs on first then it is nearly impossible to stretch the blue cover on and may result in rips (in my case). Other than that, it's been fun for my kids to play on.
and 2 year old love it,
5, 3, and 2 year old love it,. 3 year old already destroyed the handle bar protection/cushion. It is very spongy and easy to tear. Only had it for 8 hours before it tore off. Has not tilted for the 47lbs 5 year old. for three active days on it. very happy with the design with exception of the handlebar protection.
Three Stars
The blue part moves around, Took some time to put it together
Outer cover fits poorly
The instructions are awful, but it's not too hard to figure out. What I really don't like is that the blue cover does not fit snugly on the trampoline. It's loose with several open spots for little feet to get caught in. And it may be foldable but not without unscrewing, so that feels a little misleading.
Great trampoline but we thought the instructions weren't very clear ...
Great trampoline but we thought the instructions weren't very clear for the average person (not handy!) It helped to pull cords together before we put the blue top on, and the 5 black straps with the balls were not even mentioned in the directions, or which way to put the handle, facing in or out. The reviews were helpful because one of them actually showed pictures so we were able to figure it out. Otherwise, great purchase!
my toddler does not get enough bounce. I think this is meant for bigger kids. the blue wrap for the edge could not be installed properly.
Great trampoline, stripped threads though.
Kids love this trampoline however two of the threaded areas where bolts go were stripped as new, does not bode well for safety.
Great product! But not perfect...
I got this product for my 3 soon to be 4 yrs old daughter of mine. I gave it 3 stars because the instruction where not very clear and two legs have the black rubber piece missing. When I finish assembling everything, the trampoline was uneven. I had to place a cork mat under those two legs to make it even. Other than that, I am ok with it. I hope this review helps...
look very nice and sturdy
Received the trampoline a week already, look very nice and sturdy, but because there has no instruction menu i don't know how to install although not much parts there; Requested seller to send me a link or copy of instruction manual a few days ago, but still no response!
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