Easy to assemble. Carries my 200 lb frame like a champ. Portability is top notch folds easily and fits in the trunk of my car. Handles well on any terrain. The guys at hit this one out of the park. Highly recommended!!!!
I bought this as my first E/Bike, and first bike I have owned in 15+ years. Straight out of the box, the bike was easy to assemble. Instructions were easy to follow. In total it was ridable within 30 minutes. I have now put almost 200 miles on the bike, and I love it. It is a very nice ride. The fat tires are perfect for dirt/gravel/sandy trails. Riding on the road is a bit more difficult with the current tires, but is still a very enjoyable ride. I did have to switch the factory seat out as it was not comfortable to me. I did have to adjust the shifter cable out of the box, as it would not shift into all 7 gears.
Easy to assemble
Great for all types of terrains
Good battery life. Current distance I have reached is 35 miles on a single charge, and this was not to completely dead. I have not used the throttle only, but PAS 3 (I have mine set 0/5) and peddaling.
Comes with lights, horn, mud guards, and rear rack preinstalled.
Weight capacity. As someone who is 58 265 lbs it is nice to have a folding bike with a higher weight capacity. Most folding bikes I found were only rated for 230/250 lbs.
Fits in back seat of small car so no bike rack is needed.
Weight / The bike weighs in around 60 lbs. Living on the 2nd floor of an apartment, it is kind of heavy to carry up and down the stairs, but is doable.
Brakes / The brakes are not the best. Sometimes going down a hill I feel as though I wont be able to stop. This is not too huge of an issue since they can be upgraded.
Shifter / out the the box I had issues shifting. There was no cable end installed on the shifter cable, so the cable frayed. I had to replace the cable about a week after getting the bike.
Folding/ Folding the bike is a bit odd. The bike does not lock when folded, so lifting it into a car can be a bit tricky. I bought a bungie cable to help hold he bike together while folded.
Top speed so far on a flat surface with saddle bags installed is 21 MPH.
Overall I am very happy with the bike, and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an entry level E/bike.
Arrived quickly.but Im CA based so didnt have far to ship.
Assembly was easy. Self explanatory if you have assembled bikes before.
A bit heavy at 66lbs but it is sturdy.heavy metal!!!!
Very comfortable to ride. Springy seat helps.
Overall its a great value for the cost.
The folding feature is really nice. Fits in back of SUV. Watch those fingers cuz no mechanism to hold the folded position.
Rode 13 miles so far. 3 assist levels. 1 about 10/11mph. 2 14/15mph. 3 19/22mph all depending on how fast you peddle.
Uphill over a freeway overpass.no problem. Oh.Im a tubby at 260lbs and the carries me just fine.
Have absolutely no issues or dislikes whatsoever. I use the for pleasure and also shopping.Purchase was easy and delivery was quick.Unpacking and set up was a breeze,topped of the battery charge and was riding within 4 hours. I have 295 miles on so far with absolutely no issues.I am a senior citizen and the few questions I did have were answered very quickly with the wonderful customer service.I did shop around and watched all the excellent reviews on Youtube and made the purchase and am extremely impressed.Comfort and ease of operation are wonderful.
Awesome Ride!!!!
Easy to assemble. Carries my 200 lb frame like a champ. Portability is top notch folds easily and fits in the trunk of my car. Handles well on any terrain. The guys at hit this one out of the park. Highly recommended!!!!
Fun to ride, easy to assemble
I bought this as my first E/Bike, and first bike I have owned in 15+ years. Straight out of the box, the bike was easy to assemble. Instructions were easy to follow. In total it was ridable within 30 minutes. I have now put almost 200 miles on the bike, and I love it. It is a very nice ride. The fat tires are perfect for dirt/gravel/sandy trails. Riding on the road is a bit more difficult with the current tires, but is still a very enjoyable ride. I did have to switch the factory seat out as it was not comfortable to me. I did have to adjust the shifter cable out of the box, as it would not shift into all 7 gears. Pros Easy to assemble Great for all types of terrains Good battery life. Current distance I have reached is 35 miles on a single charge, and this was not to completely dead. I have not used the throttle only, but PAS 3 (I have mine set 0/5) and peddaling. Comes with lights, horn, mud guards, and rear rack preinstalled. Weight capacity. As someone who is 58 265 lbs it is nice to have a folding bike with a higher weight capacity. Most folding bikes I found were only rated for 230/250 lbs. Fits in back seat of small car so no bike rack is needed. Cons Weight / The bike weighs in around 60 lbs. Living on the 2nd floor of an apartment, it is kind of heavy to carry up and down the stairs, but is doable. Brakes / The brakes are not the best. Sometimes going down a hill I feel as though I wont be able to stop. This is not too huge of an issue since they can be upgraded. Shifter / out the the box I had issues shifting. There was no cable end installed on the shifter cable, so the cable frayed. I had to replace the cable about a week after getting the bike. Folding/ Folding the bike is a bit odd. The bike does not lock when folded, so lifting it into a car can be a bit tricky. I bought a bungie cable to help hold he bike together while folded. Top speed so far on a flat surface with saddle bags installed is 21 MPH. Overall I am very happy with the bike, and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an entry level E/bike.
HUGE value for the cost
Arrived quickly.but Im CA based so didnt have far to ship. Assembly was easy. Self explanatory if you have assembled bikes before. A bit heavy at 66lbs but it is sturdy.heavy metal!!!! Very comfortable to ride. Springy seat helps. Overall its a great value for the cost. The folding feature is really nice. Fits in back of SUV. Watch those fingers cuz no mechanism to hold the folded position. Rode 13 miles so far. 3 assist levels. 1 about 10/11mph. 2 14/15mph. 3 19/22mph all depending on how fast you peddle. Uphill over a freeway overpass.no problem. Oh.Im a tubby at 260lbs and the carries me just fine.
The best bang for the money.Quality of the Hey bike is outstanding
Have absolutely no issues or dislikes whatsoever. I use the for pleasure and also shopping.Purchase was easy and delivery was quick.Unpacking and set up was a breeze,topped of the battery charge and was riding within 4 hours. I have 295 miles on so far with absolutely no issues.I am a senior citizen and the few questions I did have were answered very quickly with the wonderful customer service.I did shop around and watched all the excellent reviews on Youtube and made the purchase and am extremely impressed.Comfort and ease of operation are wonderful.
Good bike.really wish it did fit in my car
Like how it looks but the seat gets uncomfortable and it may fold but cant fit in my car
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