Quality product delivered with fast delivery. Recommended seller. Keep up the good work. It is really pretty and not terribly hard to assemble. It does not seem super sturdy on the top bunk but for a kid it is great.
This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. I bought this bed for my kids. Its fantastic! Well made. Solid and very pretty. It took a few hours to put together. But it was fairly easy. The only complaint is the trundle bed, it didnt fit the twin matress we already owned. But other than that its a really good quality bed.
Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving We bought two of these at once. We like the quality of the product. The guy who delivered the pallet was awesome. I know this has nothing to do with the product but the whole process was great.
Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room! We got the full-over-full bed with trundle in November and had it professionally assembled through . From the start, I regretted getting a full-over-full. It was too bulky in the room, and more importantly, I was very nervous about the weight of a full over my three year old. The wood slats that came with our bed did not seem adequate and it bent with every movement.
Maybe it was the professional assembly job? Well never know.
Now back to the bed. We lived with it for a few months until I just couldnt take the nervousness any time one of my boys climbed on top, not to mention if my husband climbed on to snuggle with a kid.
So, I called and and voiced my concerns, and asked if there was an option to purchase a twin to go on top of our current full.
Nope, thats not what they did.
INSTEAD, they sent me out a brand new, upgraded twin-over-full bunk bed from their Jackpot line (which is TWICE AS EXPENSIVE) with no questions asked. Zero dollars extra. Not even shipping.
Not kidding.
The new bed arrived less than a week later, and it has exceeded my expectations in every way.
So, while I cannot personally recommend the full over full, I will shout from the rooftops how amazing this company is and how high quality my new twin-over-full is.
When I asked the rep why they were so willing to go above and beyond, she just said, We like to make our customers happy, and we want you to not worry at night. We hope that youll think of us the next time you look to buy some furniture.
Oh believe me, I will.
This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space There is a slight smell, but this bed is strong and sturdy. It doesnt look cheapat all. This one does not look or feel like the $198 specials online!
Customer support from this company was exceptional. My Bed came damaged I am awaiting a reply from the seller, the bed is beautiful and great quality. Instructions were horrible and unit didnt have all proper holes drilled many werent drilled all the way which required additional setup on our part.
The customer service is amazing and they have great products I recommend their products 1000% really check them out !!!! We paid to have this expertly assembled (worth the cost!) and have been very pleased. The beds are sturdy and look very nice. Highly recommend.
It looks great, came separate days but was worth the wait! Bunk Bed worked as expected. Well constructed and all the parts were there. I could tell while putting it together it was well constructed and the solid. We had guests using it over the holidays and would recommend it to others and purchase it again if the need arises. Be careful not to use too thick of a mattress for the trunnion. I think we used an 8 mattress and it makes it challenging to roll it away. Nice product, packaging and performance. Greg
Love it! I bought it for my sons room ... Was not too hard to assemble, seems very sturdy and little one is a happy camper. Would recommend. Very disappointed though with as the price dropped $50 the day it was delivered and they wont price match. should have a grace period for price changes.
Nice but not too sturdy
Quality product delivered with fast delivery. Recommended seller. Keep up the good work. It is really pretty and not terribly hard to assemble. It does not seem super sturdy on the top bunk but for a kid it is great.
Great bed!
This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. I bought this bed for my kids. Its fantastic! Well made. Solid and very pretty. It took a few hours to put together. But it was fairly easy. The only complaint is the trundle bed, it didnt fit the twin matress we already owned. But other than that its a really good quality bed.
You get what you order
Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving We bought two of these at once. We like the quality of the product. The guy who delivered the pallet was awesome. I know this has nothing to do with the product but the whole process was great.
This Company ROCKS
Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room! We got the full-over-full bed with trundle in November and had it professionally assembled through . From the start, I regretted getting a full-over-full. It was too bulky in the room, and more importantly, I was very nervous about the weight of a full over my three year old. The wood slats that came with our bed did not seem adequate and it bent with every movement. Maybe it was the professional assembly job? Well never know. Now back to the bed. We lived with it for a few months until I just couldnt take the nervousness any time one of my boys climbed on top, not to mention if my husband climbed on to snuggle with a kid. So, I called and and voiced my concerns, and asked if there was an option to purchase a twin to go on top of our current full. Nope, thats not what they did. INSTEAD, they sent me out a brand new, upgraded twin-over-full bunk bed from their Jackpot line (which is TWICE AS EXPENSIVE) with no questions asked. Zero dollars extra. Not even shipping. Not kidding. The new bed arrived less than a week later, and it has exceeded my expectations in every way. So, while I cannot personally recommend the full over full, I will shout from the rooftops how amazing this company is and how high quality my new twin-over-full is. When I asked the rep why they were so willing to go above and beyond, she just said, We like to make our customers happy, and we want you to not worry at night. We hope that youll think of us the next time you look to buy some furniture. Oh believe me, I will.
Dont pass this up!
This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space There is a slight smell, but this bed is strong and sturdy. It doesnt look cheapat all. This one does not look or feel like the $198 specials online!
Perfect for a small apartment space. Easy to assembly. Good product
Great quality Bed, horrible instructions
Customer support from this company was exceptional. My Bed came damaged I am awaiting a reply from the seller, the bed is beautiful and great quality. Instructions were horrible and unit didnt have all proper holes drilled many werent drilled all the way which required additional setup on our part.
Very nice product
The customer service is amazing and they have great products I recommend their products 1000% really check them out !!!! We paid to have this expertly assembled (worth the cost!) and have been very pleased. The beds are sturdy and look very nice. Highly recommend.
Well built and attractive.
It looks great, came separate days but was worth the wait! Bunk Bed worked as expected. Well constructed and all the parts were there. I could tell while putting it together it was well constructed and the solid. We had guests using it over the holidays and would recommend it to others and purchase it again if the need arises. Be careful not to use too thick of a mattress for the trunnion. I think we used an 8 mattress and it makes it challenging to roll it away. Nice product, packaging and performance. Greg
Solid Bunk
Love it! I bought it for my sons room ... Was not too hard to assemble, seems very sturdy and little one is a happy camper. Would recommend. Very disappointed though with as the price dropped $50 the day it was delivered and they wont price match. should have a grace period for price changes.
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