My child loves this bed! We are able to store extra toys under and its fun for to have a bunk bed!
We have a thicker so its flush to rails which make changing the sheets a little extra work.
It was easy to assemble and my husband and I completed it in 3 hours with his tools. Very sturdy great quality and shipped fast. Very satisfied with the bed.
Thought it was going to be tall but it actually a pretty good size for kid to sleep. The only that was not great was the ladder. It was uneven. So far it great. I say probably 3 to 4 hours to assembly
This bed is solid wood and very pretty in person. The instructions could have been a little more clear by adding words, but otherwise it was pretty easy to assemble. It took a few hours to do, but it was so worth it in the end. Its a great looking piece. We also really like the hidden storage and the open shelves on the side.
I did not expect SUCH good workmanship and quality for that price. Every piece was very sturdy and the directions were a bit time consuming to ensure they were in the exact order needed. I feel confident my kid is safe in this thing. His was a bit too thick for the low side rails though. It comes with a hex key but I got a lot farther with a hex bit on my cordless drill. Solid wood, pre drilled holes, pre/painted.
Im an adult and weigh like 135. My partner and I often sleep on it together and its fine/ really makes good use of my small bedroom. But after about 3 months its started to wobble. The bolts that keep the bed together on the sides wiggle themselves loose (its fine, theyre really long bolts and the bed wouldnt have ever come apart). They need to be tightened every month or so if adults are going to be getting up and down every day. Otherwise Im happy with it.
We replaced our sons high bed with this one because he wanted something lower after he grew taller and got older. His is 15 and loves this bed! We did not install the side rail and ladder because he didnt need it. The bed is very sturdy and made very well. He loves it!
We put bed up end of July , my granddaughter who is 14 and weighs 100 lbs, is the only one who uses the bed. Today, she discovered the bed and the ladder have huge cracks in them . Very upset and disappointed . A little over three months and its falling apart. And Im sure theres nothing they will do for me. I dont recommend this bed to anyone . Sad and disappointed
Love this bed! This can comfortably fit two people if needed. Its sturdy and looks sharp. My son sleeps in here and his dog sleeps underneath. Weve built forts underneath and it truly adds a neat touch to his room. Hes sleeping better in this bed than he was in a standard height bed.
Awesome full bed!
My child loves this bed! We are able to store extra toys under and its fun for to have a bunk bed! We have a thicker so its flush to rails which make changing the sheets a little extra work. It was easy to assemble and my husband and I completed it in 3 hours with his tools. Very sturdy great quality and shipped fast. Very satisfied with the bed.
Easy assemby
Thought it was going to be tall but it actually a pretty good size for kid to sleep. The only that was not great was the ladder. It was uneven. So far it great. I say probably 3 to 4 hours to assembly
Very pretty and solid wood
This bed is solid wood and very pretty in person. The instructions could have been a little more clear by adding words, but otherwise it was pretty easy to assemble. It took a few hours to do, but it was so worth it in the end. Its a great looking piece. We also really like the hidden storage and the open shelves on the side.
Looks great and really feels like TOP QUALITY, made in bril
I did not expect SUCH good workmanship and quality for that price. Every piece was very sturdy and the directions were a bit time consuming to ensure they were in the exact order needed. I feel confident my kid is safe in this thing. His was a bit too thick for the low side rails though. It comes with a hex key but I got a lot farther with a hex bit on my cordless drill. Solid wood, pre drilled holes, pre/painted.
Bed for 3 year old
Very nice
Great (but keep the key nearby)
Im an adult and weigh like 135. My partner and I often sleep on it together and its fine/ really makes good use of my small bedroom. But after about 3 months its started to wobble. The bolts that keep the bed together on the sides wiggle themselves loose (its fine, theyre really long bolts and the bed wouldnt have ever come apart). They need to be tightened every month or so if adults are going to be getting up and down every day. Otherwise Im happy with it.
Perfect for a teen with a small room
We replaced our sons high bed with this one because he wanted something lower after he grew taller and got older. His is 15 and loves this bed! We did not install the side rail and ladder because he didnt need it. The bed is very sturdy and made very well. He loves it!
Fun, comfortable bed
Best investment we have made. My son loves it, hes 8 and its perfect. He has a bean bag in the bottom and he loves his space!
A little over 3 months of use and its falling apart . Dont buy not worth it.
We put bed up end of July , my granddaughter who is 14 and weighs 100 lbs, is the only one who uses the bed. Today, she discovered the bed and the ladder have huge cracks in them . Very upset and disappointed . A little over three months and its falling apart. And Im sure theres nothing they will do for me. I dont recommend this bed to anyone . Sad and disappointed
Love Love it!
Love this bed! This can comfortably fit two people if needed. Its sturdy and looks sharp. My son sleeps in here and his dog sleeps underneath. Weve built forts underneath and it truly adds a neat touch to his room. Hes sleeping better in this bed than he was in a standard height bed.
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