My daughter bought one for my granddaughter and shes been using it for the past year. It is sturdy and stands the abuse- you know how rough toddlers could be!
I recently bought the same bed for my granddaughter to use when she sleeps over at my house. This is an awesome company in terms of customer service. I had a problem with the footboard and they could not have been more helpful in figuring out what I needed and sending replacement pieces.
I am so happy that I purchased this bed! Very sturdy and high quality. Made from real solid wood, no pressboard! It tool about an hour for my husband and i to put together. I reccomend that you have someone help you, as it would be hard to assemble alone. The price on is also fabulous, WAY cheaper than direct from the site. I would def purchase again!
Weve had this bed for about a year. My 3 year old loves it! So sturdy. Easy to put together! We did have an issue with two of the support boards breaking due to them having a knots in the boards. I emailed customer service and they sent out two new boards no charge! Great product and service. Hightly recommend.
average quality
a 3.5 stars
Well made, good looking, great customer service
My daughter bought one for my granddaughter and shes been using it for the past year. It is sturdy and stands the abuse- you know how rough toddlers could be! I recently bought the same bed for my granddaughter to use when she sleeps over at my house. This is an awesome company in terms of customer service. I had a problem with the footboard and they could not have been more helpful in figuring out what I needed and sending replacement pieces.
fits the space picked for it.
everything worked out well for this bed.
Great purchase!
I am so happy that I purchased this bed! Very sturdy and high quality. Made from real solid wood, no pressboard! It tool about an hour for my husband and i to put together. I reccomend that you have someone help you, as it would be hard to assemble alone. The price on is also fabulous, WAY cheaper than direct from the site. I would def purchase again!
The kids love it!!!
These are the great! They are perfect for our boys. Totally worth every penny
Impressive packaging
I liked it very much. I was truly impressed by packaging. easy to assemble and beautiful. My 2 yrs old toddler loves it very much.
Sturdy. Easy assembly. Great customer service
Weve had this bed for about a year. My 3 year old loves it! So sturdy. Easy to put together! We did have an issue with two of the support boards breaking due to them having a knots in the boards. I emailed customer service and they sent out two new boards no charge! Great product and service. Hightly recommend.
Excellent for the money
Went together easy enough. Clear instructions. LOVE the tall rails on the top bunk.
Inaccurate description
The description states that the trundle fits up to an 8 inch mattress. It does not. I have an 8 inch mattress and does not fit under the bed.
Good bed for the price
Easy to assemble with my teenaged daughters. Sturdy and works fine for my teenagers
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